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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. How is the Mafia related to this story? Did they tell the prosecutors to quit?
  2. What part of Toronto? I have friends who live in North York and they have not mentioned it when we discussed how screwed Canada is
  3. So you argument for having open borders is that Putin is worse than Obrador? Your argument for getting involved in a hot war is that we won 35 years ago? You must think getting out of Afghanistan was the worst decision ever.
  4. My biggest thought is that I doubt we don't take a CB in the first based on the depth of the position in this draft and the fact you can always use more DBs. Secondly I would bet that every pick after the 3rd round is simply the guy with the highest ceiling, basically a bunch of lottery tickets due to being strong with our starters overall.
  5. Two big points- we don't know the actual value of contract so it might not be an overpay and second how do you want Beane to evolve? We have an elite team and are one of the favorites for the Super Bowl next year. Two big points- we don't know the actual value of contract so it might not be an overpay and second how do you want Beane to evolve? We have an elite team and are one of the favorites for the Super Bowl next year. Two big points- we don't know the actual value of contract so it might not be an overpay and second how do you want Beane to evolve? We have an elite team and are one of the favorites for the Super Bowl next year.
  6. Denied bail for counselling mischief? If you think that is reasonable you and I will never agree
  7. Yes Putin is a bad man, I think you are the only person on here arguing otherwise
  8. What else was she charged with?
  9. I thought him also but if Sportrac is correct he will make $12 millions year and I think that is too rich for what we want to do
  10. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2788346 You seriously are unaware of the myocarditis link in young people from the vaccine? You are literally 6 months behind the times and still come to the wrong conclusion
  11. How else should we get our news? And please enlighten us on what is happening there?
  12. It is unfortunate that Billstime feels the need to not offer any actual solutions, just complain about problems. His complaint about the don't say gay bill is telling because only two options exist- he believes that schools should be discussing sex with 1st graders because the bill only applies to primary schools or just as bad he is so gullible he is leading the charge against something he has never seen or read.
  13. I might not be an expert on Washington football but with or without Young last year they were not dominant l, and he did not pop off screen when I did watch. He is good but I don't think he is like Kahlil Mack impact good.
  14. I am not good at determining which CB plays the right style for our defense but if a CB is not the BPA at that point in draft I will be surprised. This appears to be a deep draft for CBs from what I am reading and we could certainly use another one if Wallace leaves.
  15. I would take Tyrod to start in Detroit, Chicago, Steelers, Giants, and Carolina as constituted right now. You pick him to steady the team while trying to find better. Don't forget we were paying him 18 a year a few years ago.
  16. He will not be a first choice but someone who needs a quality backup- like Houston became a year ago
  17. I think your point is correct but we need a cheap backup and I bet Tyrod still gets 8-10 million a year offer
  18. Two points: one it is a letter to the editor, so not an article but also I think it is sarcastic because it says that Goddell should fire himself and appoint a black man also. I wish I was more certain it was sarcasm.
  19. I believe we will do these things which help us greatly: 1) get Beasley to take less money to stay, which I think he does since so many WR are available this year. 2) restructuring Diggs, Dawkins and Williams to free up some cash. 3) spend money for an impact Edge rusher around 10 million a year. 4) drafting the best CB in draft with first pick, since DB draft is deep.
  20. Tibs can't admit Biden was one of the leaders of the Senate to drive us into that war, why do you think anything else you mention matters? I recommend just talking to wall since it will be more logical that Tibs.
  21. The fact that you will believe that a student in NY is safer than a student in Idaho makes you gullible. NYC has over 500 high schools and 20 or less are top notch, about 80 are decent and 400 are complete garbage. I have a school down the street that has international students at it. A few schools does make the whole district work.
  22. I like the fact that you want to discuss states but not local deep blue places, NYC has some of the worst schools in the country but the more conservative areas raise the whole state. Even in GA the lowest scores are in deep blue ATL. My point was clear as is your inability to respond.
  23. I am sorry but this list is complete garbage, in what world is a NY student safer than an Idaho student? Not just a little safer but much safer? (10 vs 50) that being said judging schools on numbers without mainly discussing results is not very valid.
  24. @Tiberius or @Backintheday544 I am truly hoping you can give me some thoughts on how we can fix schools that can be acceptable to your beliefs? As I stated in Orange County right now every failing school is in a blue section of town, how do we fix it?
  25. The amount of people on here who seem to enjoy being made to look stupid by the media is astounding. I doubt anyone one here thinks Trump is a paragon of virtue but all of these threads about him without any actual evidence just innuendo make me think critical thinking is not your something Kemp or Billsy attempt very often.
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