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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. To be more specific on your point, it is terrible to have the 10-16 best QB because to get a major improvement is next to impossible and you can easily end up with a much worse team.
  2. If you expect a big time signing then you are likely to be disappointed, if you just want a winning season then you are being realistic.
  3. I would definitely prefer a couple lesser dollar free agents vs overpaying for anyone. Chandler Jones is the one guy who I can see sending bigger money on but still can't overpay with Josh pay jumping next year.
  4. 1 of 3, they definitely spread hate and lies, but also were very happy to spread the Russian misinformation about Trump. You are right though that anything right wing at all is again next the standards they promote.
  5. Why would you not believe that? Do you actually think Google is anything good? They literally had "don't be evil" in their code of conduct and then dropped it.
  6. Trump chaos of energy independence, relative peace in middle east, no Russian incursions, China not threatening to invade Taiwan, low unemployment, and low inflation. Man those were tough times for us who are not political hacks
  7. Two things- STH in all sports are getting less from the teams, regardless of success. The Orlando Magic did have a draft party this year but offered nothing cool at it, unlike prior years. Secondly the Bills are definitely shopping the pick for a current good player, so why plan party when there is a decent chance they won't pick at all
  8. Looking at contract either we get him prior to March 20th or not at all since he would be real cheap money wise after that. After March 20th I would certainly trade our first and second for him, and some other extra stuff
  9. Charlotte to Clemson is like Buffalo and Syracuse, a lot of people love the get players from there. I would not be surprised if that is his preferred destination from a PR standpoint.
  10. The guy is a great holder for kicks, which is more important that a few extra yards on punts for us. Secondly Haack will hopefully only be on the field 30 times this coming year. Lastly this past year was his worst year because of about 6 terrible plays, I believe/hope he will work that out.
  11. They might make a play if cut but they are not taking him on with a contract bigger than Diggs.
  12. How far left do you need to be to call Bill Maher a right wing extremist. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10605821/amp/Bill-Maher-criticizes-recent-liberal-outcry-Floridas-Dont-Say-Gay-bill.html
  13. What scares me about him is that I could see him committing suicide so he goes down as a martyr in the SJW mind. Anyone who pays attention knows he is guilty, and he seems unhinged enough to do it. His case is not damaging to powerful people so no one will kill him but himself.
  14. I want to know if any supplies were put together for this operation and who put the supplies together? If this all hinges on them discussing it, no matter how deeply, and the FBI dude started the conversation then it is entrapment. If this operation got to the point of supplies being put together then we can have a discussion of charges.
  15. https://www.google.com/amp/s/reason.com/2020/04/27/joe-bidens-latest-campaign-trail-target-is-milton-friedman-but-why/%3famp We as Americans can not state he was not honest while campaigning. He was not gonna worry about free markets, national debt, inflation, or job creation which is what Friedman worked towards. He was worried only about getting enough votes counted to win, nothing else mattered because why else would you attack Friedman?
  16. She has won one election where not much was known about her and she was unopposed. She is being strongly challenged now, unlike the vast majority of Dems who promote similar garbage. https://jewishinsider.com/2022/01/marjorie-taylor-greene-jennifer-strahan-poll-georgia-congress/
  17. Every team is interested in Jones, hopefully he is willing to come on a less expensive contract than he can get elsewhere.
  18. I have not watched a ton of Mack since he went to Bears but just watched some highlights of past two seasons and I was amazed that most of his sacks seem to come from teams leaving a TE to block him alone, or even not getting a blocker on him at all. When planning for Chicago how do you forget about him?
  19. I am sitting in shorts on my back porch slightly chilly right now, start of a nice day. It has not been too hot since about September, which for that part of the year we have pools. In Florida we have a temp range of 30-95 in NY you have a temp range of -20-85. I prefer a 65 range vs a 100 range.
  20. Your right to wear a mask has never been questioned, and if you are high risk wear it when you feel necessary. The insinuation that a healthy 25 year old should wear one to make you feel more comfortable though is absurd.
  21. So you were the one watching yesterday? Why were you being punished?
  22. I doubt he is available at 25 but if he is you have to consider him, he is a great player.
  23. Two big ifs here that probably only McBeane knows- if we have a chance of getting Bobby Wagner then we might trade him and if someone is giving us at least a second rounder + more. Both conditions would need to be met, this team is not getting rid of a good LB unless a great one is lined up
  24. If we could trade Edmunds in order to get Wagner I could definitely get behind that but having all three would require too much changes for our defense.
  25. Truly if Carr is the bum of the division then that is a loaded division. Carr would be the best QB in the AFC South
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