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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. You do know the 60 are not able to be confirmed, as is reported in your article? This is the opposite of Hunter Biden stories, which are killed because they are confirmed
  2. It is not a ban on them playing sports anymore than telling LeBron when he retires from the NBA that he can not play in the WNBA is a ban on him playing sports or telling a 20 year golfer he can't play on the senior tour. They fit into a category by birth not choice.
  3. I am surprised how much I like it
  4. You were one of the people who watched Jim Kelly in 1991 and still called for Frank Reich aren't you?
  5. I really do not like the options for this poll- I think he will end up walking because someone will overpay him because he does so many things well and they think that the Bulls just did not get the most out of him in order to make him all pro. As I have stated before anyone who says he is below average knows nothing of assignments and what he is asked to do
  6. I am not sure where we got our lines crossed but I am glad the law is being passed. I want more parental involvement and less requirements we pretend little kids can understand what is happening.
  7. I am not missing what you are saying- the parents are intentionally kept out of the loop here and in the majority of large districts. Your comment that parents should be in the loop is the opposite of of our policy. We agree that teachers should not be espousing their beliefs but that is not my point at all.
  8. I teach in my community, what do I do if I know the parent? Do you actually think an administrator is better suited to handle this than the parents because of some training? You are being honest, which I appreciate, but to assume the parents are not the best to handle it is damaging to the child unless there is a good reason to believe the parents are the problem
  9. Do you believe she passed a polygraph by the FBI?
  10. There is no training that can repair the damage that bad parents do to kids. The biggest problem is that currently in Orange County FL we have a policy that parents are on a need to know basis, literally as teachers we can be fired if we tell a parent their child is trans but the student does not want them to know.
  11. Why do you think that parents should not be notified if their 12 year old is acting different at school? Whether it is dressing like a prostitute or the opposite sex or simply depressed?
  12. All three comments by this guy are incorrect, she could not recall who was there, the FBI did not give her a polygraph, and her notes were from a couple therapist in 2012 and do not name Kavanaugh or even describe him except in the most generic way. Hell even the USA today said she was a poor witness, changing her story repeatedly. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/1497661002
  13. A right wing position would be using logic is a good thing. I just received a magazine from the teachers union with an article that referred to people of color as white supremacists, stated that being uneducated in Eugene Oregon(an overeducated college town) was not related to the writers inability to get a job, that it was only racism. Lastly he says he still has rage over what happened over a hundred years ago, but expects me to listen to him as if he is rationale when he has emotional responses to historical events.
  14. I sometimes think you are intentionally funny, you ask a question, it is answered, then you make an almost unrelated response. How about respond to the people that the left defended?
  15. So are the government approved Twitter feeds in Russia. Oh were you dumb enough to think all Twitter in Russia was shut down? https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/17/russia-twitter-ukraine-accounts/
  16. So please explain why it was the liberal states that damaged minorities the worst during the pandemic? If I need to explain why that is clearly true then you are once again too ignorant to be taken seriously when you spout such drivel
  17. Who on the right is defending them? Showing the FBI is incompetent is not defending them as people, just from the law. Secondly the left defended the CHOP in Seattle, BLM, Assata Shakur, and all the celebrities that voiced the desire to kill Trump. Your question either shows you are too stupid for this conversation or too dishonest.
  18. Cause celebre, not celebrity, but to the point no one is claiming these are the good guys, they are losers whose biggest problem appears to be they are too stupid to know their "friend" was a paid plant. Also the FBI has been proven to be incompetent and dishonest when it comes to political items, and this one is clearly political
  19. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/nord-stream-2-biden-gift-to-putin-could-destabilize-europe-2021-10%3famp Actually Cruz is right and you are wrong again. For a guy who "pays attention" your memory is terrible.
  20. This seems like a luxury pick in regards to the cap situation and I don't understand why we are paying anyone more than league minimum when if all goes well he will never step on the field for a single play that matters. I would rather save the cap for a CB or a OL player. Trust in Beane but this one does not seem to fit.
  21. The whole "don't say gay" bill fiasco is pathetic. The bill simply says do not discuss with children under 8 anything about sexual orientation. There is literally no reason to bring it up in school to children that age and unfortunately some people are such activists they do. If you are really willing to fight for drag queens to read to your children I pity your children
  22. I would rank them in order of importance as: CB, Guard, WR, QB2 and very clearly in that order. Right now we have no one on the roster who has ever seen a field before for a game at CB2 until Tre comes back
  23. I have two main thoughts- I am so happy we have JA17 and therefore we're not in this competition to land him since he would be a step down. And I am not as convinced that he will be as good in Cleveland weather as I have not seen him play well in any kind of weather yet.
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