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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Chris Wallace would have a lot more credibility about the worry about people not "believing the truth" when he left Fox news if not for the fact that he went to CNN. CNN is the king of fake info and has lost 80% of their viewers because they are so untrustworthy. Literally he went to the station that lied the most in the run up to the 2020 election on peaceful protests, hunters laptop, Russian collusion, the Steele dossier, everything related to Cuomo, and that is just off the top of my head
  2. Second round if he is BPA I am good with it but first round it has to be a premium position and hopefully a CB
  3. I was told by a game specialist at EA sports that this throw was not possible within their physics engine. It was too hard without enough wind up. It was only a minor adjustment but it had to be done.
  4. I will agree with you that "attacked" is certainly being melodramatic. I was more concerned about KBJ parts.
  5. I went from "0% chance" to "maybe" to "likely" in like 20 minutes. I hope it happens and that the phins send like 8 first round picks for him. Bucs won't give him him up cheaply.
  6. She is according to her half Indian half black. She does not care but thought it was funny that as the descendent of slaves, and definitely not white, she thought her kids would get a little extra help if needed. Her daughter is now a doctor and other one is VP at Citigroup
  7. Asians do not count as minorities according to liberals. I have a friend who is the descendent of slaves brought to Guyana, who came to America in the 80s with her kids and when placing in them school in NYC area she was told they were not "oppressed" minority since she looks Indian.
  8. Those are valid points- especially the gtd money. I was thinking about spreading the hit but to do so hurts much more if he is hurt.
  9. Is the franchise still the average of top 5? I don't think they would that with a number north of $40 million especially since the next year it jumps.
  10. Diggs has two paths he can follow, which is stay in Buffalo and give a hometown discount while winning and possibly becoming legend or get his most money somewhere else. I know the money is partially ego but his family is set for several life's so he might help us out. Either way I hope he does well.
  11. I will admit that I thought his progress would be slower, though in my defense I thought the team around him was much better than it was in 2018. I did not see him as special until the first dolphin game when he threw the game winner to Charles Clay perfectly, who then dropped it. It was at that point I knew he was gonna be fun to watch. In his second year it was the Pitt game were I knew he was gonna be special when he threw the dagger to Brown right after they played "Renegade".
  12. Bork is the last one to actually get a vote and be rejected- since then the only two who had "tough" hearings is Thomas and Kavanaugh.
  13. I have made a observation that for my students- for whom there was never a mask mandate- that the liberal students wear their masks while the conservative students are not, leading me to believe that the protocols were are all about politics not science
  14. What decisions has she made that bolster your conspiracy theory? Or do you believe all devout catholics are bad?
  15. You do know the 60 are not able to be confirmed, as is reported in your article? This is the opposite of Hunter Biden stories, which are killed because they are confirmed
  16. It is not a ban on them playing sports anymore than telling LeBron when he retires from the NBA that he can not play in the WNBA is a ban on him playing sports or telling a 20 year golfer he can't play on the senior tour. They fit into a category by birth not choice.
  17. I am surprised how much I like it
  18. You were one of the people who watched Jim Kelly in 1991 and still called for Frank Reich aren't you?
  19. I really do not like the options for this poll- I think he will end up walking because someone will overpay him because he does so many things well and they think that the Bulls just did not get the most out of him in order to make him all pro. As I have stated before anyone who says he is below average knows nothing of assignments and what he is asked to do
  20. I am not sure where we got our lines crossed but I am glad the law is being passed. I want more parental involvement and less requirements we pretend little kids can understand what is happening.
  21. I am not missing what you are saying- the parents are intentionally kept out of the loop here and in the majority of large districts. Your comment that parents should be in the loop is the opposite of of our policy. We agree that teachers should not be espousing their beliefs but that is not my point at all.
  22. I teach in my community, what do I do if I know the parent? Do you actually think an administrator is better suited to handle this than the parents because of some training? You are being honest, which I appreciate, but to assume the parents are not the best to handle it is damaging to the child unless there is a good reason to believe the parents are the problem
  23. Do you believe she passed a polygraph by the FBI?
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