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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. What is wrong with you? I know you think you are being intelligent but what you wrote is horrific. Teaching children while they are still learning the concept of self about sex is highly damaging. Why do you want to teach a child in kindergarten about where he should stick his member? And why would you support sexualizing a 5 year old?
  2. It is funny that you keep accusing conservatives of this when it is liberals who promoted the Steele Dossier, which was known to be fake and liberals who lied about the Hunter Biden which was known to be fact.
  3. I have read multiple people on hear comment that this a solution looking for a problem. This is in reaction to crap like this which happened in NY State https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2021/05/22/doe-treats-nyc-students-to-virtual-drag-queen-story-hour/amp/ This is officially DOE sanctioned for little kids, and should not be.
  4. Washttps://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/video-shows-student-athlete-sucker-221449036.html This is the next county over from me and the fact that he was not charged pisses me off. If the races were reversed there would demands to have the kid jailed for life. No one should be allowed to do that and not face charges. The sad part is that the "solution" will be to limit who has access to track, not to punish student who does it.
  5. I don't think he is ready to get a CB1 right now but why do you think he can't be? He think did well in every game he played in and he went against some good recievers.
  6. I mean Dane Jackson is not ready to be our CB2- Tre will have to be out CB1 when healthy.
  7. If you are a loser why not do a hoax? You won't be punished much if caught, and you might get a huge settlement out of it
  8. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/study-finds-ivermectin-horse-drug-071103424.html This is for the truly stupid, this would be like mentioning Josh Allen and stating his stats his rookie year were bad in the headline. Invermectin in humans won a Nobel Prize, but keep pretending it is a horse drug.
  9. You have done much more in depth research than I have and I did not realize how close the best and worst punters are to each other. If Buffalo got the best per kick punter in league he will likely only matter 20 yards in a normal game vs 3 pts on a bad hold. In that case holding ability is more important than punting, because 3 pts is worth more than 20 yards in almost all situations.
  10. Would have loved the talent but probably too expensive unless we think Dane Jackson is not ready to start yet.
  11. I did not realize all of that about limitations on practice time and Boho is truly out of luck on good offenses where his holding is more important than his punting.
  12. I agree with you about everyone here generally having their opinion set. But the back in forth is hopefully educational
  13. you are hiring a hot chick to show the NFL how they screwed up? Because that will show Dan Snyder he screwed up! 😀
  14. I am confused on who you think is the side which demeans black lives and allows them to be murdered?
  15. If I have the better offense I take the ball knowing that if we both score I can end it, if my defense is awesome I kick to see what I have to do. If the question is only about the Bills, we have Josh, give him the ball as much as possible
  16. This is a hell of an argument and right now I can't beat it.
  17. That obviously makes sense, thanks.
  18. I am curious who is responsible for the cost overruns- because it would shocking if everything cost as projected
  19. Maybe I will just get a VPN I can use for remote access- seems simpler.😀
  20. That is all I needed to hear- I am moving to Canada!
  21. What evidence do you have for this? I think Putin likes them for helping him make europe dependent on Russian oil, hurting Trump with the Steele Dossier, and willingness to lie about those who oppose him.
  22. Gas was around $2 a gallon in late 2020 in Orlando, and now it is $4 a gallon. I only blamed Biden for half, but I know math is not your strong suit
  23. I will go with about a $1 a gallon but putting actual number to it would be impossible due to many factors.
  24. I find your arguing supply and demand interesting when Biden intentionally limited supply of energy by cancelling the XL pipeline.
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