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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. How am I the first to mention that the Lt Governor was arrested today? I have not seen the details, so I am very curious the thoughts of the NYers?
  2. San Antonio makes the most sense to me by a large margin since their closest competition is 3 hours away. Orlando does not work because I live in a suburb of Orlando and I drove to Lightning arena yesterday in an hour and 15 minutes. Not to mention Jax is 2.5 hours north and Miami is 3 south.
  3. I think it is truly bold to predict that a billionaire would agree to put 2+ billion dollars of franchise value on the line when their 4 best players get hurt, forget about just having a bad team.
  4. How do you know that someone does not have ANY friends who disagree with them even a little bit? They present this info and expect everyone to believe it. She should have said they were laughing amongst themselves and speaking of Covid in Chinese accents then it is believable, still not worth anything but believable
  5. He is so invested because it is the one place that liberals are on the right side. Of course there would have been no invasion if Biden was competent but he is at least reacting properly since.
  6. You are correct but my point is what would be the world's reaction if the Catholic Church publicly opposed something that deters the sexualization of children during the priest issues? Disney should have stayed out of it for so many reasons.
  7. I was being flippant with my response because I thought you were originally trying to be funny by being pedantic. I don't know where I even made an analogy so I can't respond.
  8. The issue is that so many of the problems were caused by the "election workers" not the voters. This is why we need to have drop boxes in secure places and monitored so we have at least a little redundancy for confirmation that the drop boxes are not being inundated by a few people.
  9. Well done- so now you know all of these will be wrong this year!
  10. I blame you- he has been all over this past week.
  11. We're those white people chanting " I'm black and I am proud"?
  12. You seem to have an issue with the English language- you can have degrees of dominance. The playoff game vs Pats was total dominance while win over Jets in wind was a lesser level of dominance.
  13. Hey you saw the video of the KG teacher- 5 year olds understand their gender despite the fact that the youngest a person has a solid personality is about 14 and most don't solidify until the early 20s. Hence why that dope in high school becomes great later
  14. A few weeks back 4 Disney employees were arrested for pedophilia, which is the 10th straight year at least one employee was arrested in the Orlando area for that. So yes I want to protect my kids from some of the Disney employees. I did find it very odd that they would speak up about the bill right after these arrests
  15. 25 is far outside the range for me, but I am not sure I even do our second unless they are eating almost all of it.
  16. His biggest downside is salary, if the Panthers are willing to eat a bunch of it I would love him but at this point he would not be used enough to justify that cost.
  17. I just went through Josh and his stats vs the AFC east in the past 2 years, which is 13 games so almost a whole season. He has averaged 272 yards in the air, 40 on the ground, which includes the two high wind games this year which definitely hurt his throwing numbers. His total TDs is 30 passing, 3 rushing and only 3 picks. What I found most interesting is that the 35-0 thrashing of Dolphins this past year and 56-28 win the prior year are not above average number wise for him. His best games seem to be when we need it most.
  18. I don't personally think Hydrogen fuel cells are the big winner, at least not in the next 30 years, but that is not important. Let free enterprise do their thing, as I stated government will hinder the search through regulation and paperwork while a companies know if they win this race they will be rich beyond compare
  19. Your not wrong but I am going with the idea you get more traction with kindness. Truly she is a good person and knows she screwed up, just doesn't want it pointed out.
  20. Why would the government need to fund the R&D of a technology that if properly functional will make the company who designs it trillions of dollars? This is not a race where there is a novel threat (Covid) or the loser is in trouble (atom bomb). Government does no good and is likely more of a obstacle then a help.
  21. You know as well as I do that anything that is a CNN exclusive for more than 24 hours is complete garbage. When others report it I will take a look.
  22. If you wait till they are similar cost truly it will be decades most likely. So you either force it or it won't come for quite some time and we are on the 4th version of "you only have 12 years" in my life.
  23. The definition of a political hack- you should do the right thing but when I am in power it is whatever works. The Republicans should give up power that the Dems used and will use whenever possible?
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