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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Miami has parts that are expensive like NY and San Fran for sure but that is 4 hours away. The whole state population is still exploding but we expected that since it is a better place to live. You have your childish opinion I have 1000 people a week moving here to back me up
  2. When you lose your willingness to go to lies and slander is the sign of someone who places politics above all semblance of rational thought
  3. Thank you for admitting I am correct. I will assure you my students and my own children are well protected from guns.
  4. Your back, and completely unaware of the world at large. Literally first article I found about Biden. https://apnews.com/article/us-economy-shrinks-in-Q1-7eb454a7874abeba545f8796edb38edb It is facts framed to come to a false conclusion.
  5. You suggest that guns kill people but my neighborhood has more guns than people yet not one person has been shot in the two decades we have lived here, but of course we are a conservative town. The issue seems to be when liberals get guns. If you can show me a better cause and effect than liberalism and gun deaths I would love to see it.
  6. Can you explain why liberals are ok with 10k murders a year in liberal cities?
  7. I overall agree- when has someone ever flourished with 4 different offensive systems in 4 years?
  8. You have a 10 year old photo of the short comings of my view- I can't fit the people your side fails just from the past 10 months that have been killed in liberal cities
  9. Authoritarian regimes don't suppress votes, they simply limit choices once there. Speak to anyone who lived under Communism in Europe and they were required to vote and given the day off and were given a party atmosphere. As for the educator part you are dishonest and don't care about education or children but clearly you want children to be taught who touches your genitals. Lastly you can still protest in Florida but don't riot or threaten people's lives, if those rules are too hard for you then maybe you should stay where you live.
  10. You can find my entire life story on here in bits and pieces, so I will request the same of you as you love to ask "where did I say that" I have described my school, my subject, my students. You can find it pretty easily.
  11. Once again you can look at Libs of tik Tok and see many people admit it but you refuse to believe them, no matter what evidence is presented you won't believe it. As for your advocating for it, I believe you are the one who says "every accusation is a confession" so I am certain you mean yourself mostly
  12. What am I claiming that I can't back up?
  13. LOL- seriously I wonder sometimes if you are truly a conservative who is just stating the dumbest thing they can think of to make liberals look dumb. It would explain your love of the Lincoln project.
  14. What does that have to do with gas prices?
  15. Yes Biden fault, no he did not invade Ukraine, Yes he insulted the Saudis to the point they have started talks with Iran again.
  16. You are so funny, it is too bad it is not intentional. It is hateful to tell adults that discussing sexual acts with young children is inappropriate? Your definition of hate and that of mentally stable people is different.
  17. The problem is you lie about everything because you can't defend anything your people do. You actually argued people admitting they do evil things should not be believed because they admit it.
  18. Let's be honest, the liberals and government in general think that Black people are not smart enough to make good decisions. They have proven it time and again, usually not as blatantly as banning only cigarettes that Blacks generally smoke but no issue with white cigarettes.
  19. If we really wanted him and we only have 4 or 5 guys from this draft making active roster the 4th rounder is nothing to get your guy
  20. You actually believe that when they reprint the letters of Thomas Jefferson to John Adams it is no longer a primary source? Sad anyone is dumb enough to believe that.
  21. Primary source documents should always be you first choice, and people admitting themselves that they are doing it is a primary source. Explain a better source than someone admitting what they are doing?
  22. I like Rich Eisen but I will not be watching much tonight, I likely will just have Twitter update me.
  23. Thank you for admitting you are not sane since you can't find this stuff
  24. Look at Libs of TikTok. Choosing ignorance is not a good defense.
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