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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I know- my annoyance is at them not you, I know you are trying to help, but you can't fix their stupidity.
  2. Only on premium part- should just be on NBC sports
  3. Having a Sunday night primetime game behind a paywall service for a league you are trying to build a fan base is stupid. This was not thought through very well.
  4. I will honestly be interested in the State Secretary response of the states that are called out here, especially in Georgia since it is pretty clear GA was a complete travesty. The rest of states I will wait to see what the states can show and what they will dispute, because I watched Michael Moore 911 film and it was 80% inconsequential truths and 20% exciting lies.
  5. Interesting to me that they will lay new train tracks instead of using the ones already in place just to get back at Abbott. Something tells me that they will use Texas when it is all said and done.
  6. My kids got Chick-fil-A yesterday and just for 30 pack nuggets, two milkshakes and one large fry it was $28. The milkshakes are all smalls now also.
  7. Still have yet to have anyone who has actually read the law state that it is objectionable. Maybe billstime will come along now and change that but it was big conversation at school amongst the liberals before the official wording came out and they kept stating they would fight it, since it became apparent we are discussing young children they have all shut up except on Facebook pretending thet don't know the age limit part
  8. If we are including bounces the leg, if just straight in the air arm.
  9. Actually this report makes me happy, he is a reciever put of the backfield. If they can coach up his blocking he could be an effective weapon. I am not a fan of having one premier running back on a team but would prefer a 1a and 1b type situation and going with the hot hand.
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/news/desantis-bonkers-claim-cartoons-twitter-210946237.html Well written article, state DeSantis is "baseless" them reference a Disney executive who stated her goal is to do exactly what he is accusing them of doing. Apparently the word baseless can now mean taking them at their word.
  11. Nice job, I think Stevenson over Kumerow and Lewis over Benford but those will depend on training camp.
  12. Yeah just like you got me when you said I call everyone a liar, except I am correct and you were lying.
  13. This is to answer your question in the other thread
  14. I hope he can hold well because his punting is obviously incredible.
  15. I would think the billions that Obama gave them would be a bigger problem than trump but tell me what you got?
  16. I was honestly concerned on where we were going with this draft but it appears we have a definitive game plan for this year and to plan for next few years
  17. You lied about me being a teacher but all of these quotes are just about you, so you lie again, I don't accuse "everyone" just you
  18. Thank you for showing you don't know why he has a job at higher pay and Bojo keeps getting cut. If a punter can't hold for the kicker he will not stick around.
  19. Anyone who thinks Haacks primary job is punting don't understand the Bills in today's NFL, his primary job is holding for Bass and punting is something he is serviceable at.
  20. Miami has parts that are expensive like NY and San Fran for sure but that is 4 hours away. The whole state population is still exploding but we expected that since it is a better place to live. You have your childish opinion I have 1000 people a week moving here to back me up
  21. When you lose your willingness to go to lies and slander is the sign of someone who places politics above all semblance of rational thought
  22. Thank you for admitting I am correct. I will assure you my students and my own children are well protected from guns.
  23. Your back, and completely unaware of the world at large. Literally first article I found about Biden. https://apnews.com/article/us-economy-shrinks-in-Q1-7eb454a7874abeba545f8796edb38edb It is facts framed to come to a false conclusion.
  24. You suggest that guns kill people but my neighborhood has more guns than people yet not one person has been shot in the two decades we have lived here, but of course we are a conservative town. The issue seems to be when liberals get guns. If you can show me a better cause and effect than liberalism and gun deaths I would love to see it.
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