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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. If there is actually evidence of Trump using the government to benefit his son let it be shown. Unfortunately the left has lied so much about it that everything they say is viewed with skepticism. Biden brags about getting a prosecutor fired who was gonna be investigating his son using American money. If they all go to jail I am ok with it, but this pretending Biden did not interfere is being proud of ignorance.
  2. So why did your side make people where masks since laws don't matter much and roughly the same amount of people will do it anyways. This does not outlaw abortion in any way, you have to be completely devoid of understanding of our constitution to believe that at all.
  3. I would love us to bring in one more CB with some experience, unless we are sold that Elam and Jackson are ready to play primetime come week one. Besides that I would like to hold money until the season so we can have wiggle room if needed.
  4. Women having more rights to own a gun would be bad for women? Interesting take. When did the supreme court rule on Colin? Seriously do I just not remember?
  5. Just like Roe vs Wade, Congress left it to the states before the "right to privacy" was found in the constitution. Judges sometimes overstep the bounds and this is a correction of an overstep
  6. You are an anti intellectual, you act like this one point is important and then state you don't have an intelligent thought. You then are incorrect about birth control because the majority of pills given restrict the women from ovulation, not just stopping egg from implanting. Lastly while all walks get abortions in some numbers the most common person to get an abortion is a poor minority who is not religious. There are exceptions but that is the majority
  7. Interesting that you still think people don't like the law since the majority of people who actually know what the law says like it. Your side has done a brilliant job with disinformation. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/apr/1/poll-over-60-us-voters-support-language-florida-pa/
  8. Because they think a child should be protected? I appreciate your honesty buddy, it explains your belief that the government should be the primary influence in a child's lifem
  9. Oregon has no restrictions when it comes to abortion except it must be done by a medical professional. I tried to find any indication there was any but I am quite sure there is no time limit at all. LOL- the comparison is the logic of the left. New event that we know just happened vs an event that anyone who is honest knows was made up. I can only imagine all the tips that came for an event that supposedly happened in 1985.
  10. I am not sure how accurate the article is since they literally reference things happening in the future but this article should be simplified down to " county officials are mad that charter school gave people freedom and are attacking them to benefit only government officials." No evidence is given that anyone is safer with restrictions. https://www.yahoo.com/news/indiana-charter-school-refused-covid-154657621.html
  11. It is appropriate that the attacks are coming today, when the "2000 mules" movie is being released.GA absolutely had a fraudulent vote problem that needs to be addressed and some people here are upset that the fraud is being dealt with
  12. Quotes a democrat and blames a republican, sounds about right.
  13. I don't necessarily mean they split carries each week but more of the idea they go with best back for the situation. A large part of my comment is based on the fact that teams that rely on one back seem to not do well in the playoffs in general.
  14. I know- my annoyance is at them not you, I know you are trying to help, but you can't fix their stupidity.
  15. Only on premium part- should just be on NBC sports
  16. Having a Sunday night primetime game behind a paywall service for a league you are trying to build a fan base is stupid. This was not thought through very well.
  17. I will honestly be interested in the State Secretary response of the states that are called out here, especially in Georgia since it is pretty clear GA was a complete travesty. The rest of states I will wait to see what the states can show and what they will dispute, because I watched Michael Moore 911 film and it was 80% inconsequential truths and 20% exciting lies.
  18. Interesting to me that they will lay new train tracks instead of using the ones already in place just to get back at Abbott. Something tells me that they will use Texas when it is all said and done.
  19. My kids got Chick-fil-A yesterday and just for 30 pack nuggets, two milkshakes and one large fry it was $28. The milkshakes are all smalls now also.
  20. Still have yet to have anyone who has actually read the law state that it is objectionable. Maybe billstime will come along now and change that but it was big conversation at school amongst the liberals before the official wording came out and they kept stating they would fight it, since it became apparent we are discussing young children they have all shut up except on Facebook pretending thet don't know the age limit part
  21. If we are including bounces the leg, if just straight in the air arm.
  22. Actually this report makes me happy, he is a reciever put of the backfield. If they can coach up his blocking he could be an effective weapon. I am not a fan of having one premier running back on a team but would prefer a 1a and 1b type situation and going with the hot hand.
  23. https://www.yahoo.com/news/desantis-bonkers-claim-cartoons-twitter-210946237.html Well written article, state DeSantis is "baseless" them reference a Disney executive who stated her goal is to do exactly what he is accusing them of doing. Apparently the word baseless can now mean taking them at their word.
  24. Nice job, I think Stevenson over Kumerow and Lewis over Benford but those will depend on training camp.
  25. Yeah just like you got me when you said I call everyone a liar, except I am correct and you were lying.
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