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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Be a little more specific but I have a feeling that most pro life people will agree with it. I assure you that the concept that men have to be responsible for their children is not a bad thing in my book.
  2. I will end it here- you admit I have evidence- admittedly older evidence but you have none. So thank you for admitting it and unless you want to present something I am moving on.
  3. Please show me evidence again? Maybe I missed it.
  4. Your article points out it was a grand total of 60 votes that got it done. Obviously I hope he loses but let not forget that Dems have often turned jail stints and arrest into power, Marion Berry, Mayor Curley in Boston, Alcee Hastings in Florida. The only surprising part if he wins is his party.
  5. You have provided no evidence I am wrong, are you really such a loser that unless I have 20 documented ways you are wrong that is a win for you? As I stated show me evidence that things have changed and I will believe it
  6. My claim is she could be the leak, yours is she can't be. I made no definite claim, you did. You are doing the same as the news reporter you are attacking, making claims as definite without any real evidence. I do care who leaked it and will state that whoever did it should be charged with whatever crime it could be.
  7. Actually one big question for a Bulls fan- does he play man or zone at a pro bowl level? Most player have major issues going from one to the other.
  8. So you have done research to show a difference, you have not shown that she has not been in the building. Show me definitely she has not been in the building and I will agree she is not the leak. I am curious why it is so important to you she is not the leak?
  9. Last time, she is confirmed, therefore she has access. Sandra Day O'Connor was working in the building within a few days of being confirmed according to her own words, she did not comment on the intranet. So why would they now make KBJ wait? So she can be behind when she is finally seated?
  10. As I have stated previously i often think you are a staunch conservative who is trying to prove how out of touch liberals are and it is due to this kind of stuff, demanding proof that a supreme court justice is allowed to work in the supreme court building. There is no evidence that she is not working there currently.
  11. Not true, the right has not rioted, so therefore they are going to wait until the FBI can gin something up and then react while being surprised by all the leftwing violence.
  12. She is a confirmed supreme court justice- she has access to the buildings- do you think they bar her from entry until she is gonna sit on the bench? You literally asked me to prove that a supreme court justice has access to the supreme court building.
  13. There go lying again, I did not state she was the leaker, I asked who it was since you said she could not have been it. You have shown no evidence of anything except admitting that you know that she has access to the building since she is a supreme court justice.
  14. Are just being a pedantic twit because you know it is possible she is the leaker? Otherwise show me something
  15. Once again a supreme court justice, even if not yet seated, has access to the supreme court. I am not sure how to make it clearer for you
  16. Please tell me what she is doing right now that precludes her from the leaker?
  17. I need to prove to you that a judge who is approved to the supreme court has access to the supreme court? Bless your heart for being special
  18. she has access to the building and intranet where the memo was made and being shared along with only a few hundred people. Therefore to call him an idiot you must know who leaked it, please tell me?
  19. I actually think it is an accurate and smart question. Liberals will hear minimal information and jump to conclusions but Republicans will ask for greater data since life.can be more.complex. it does not state the student rules out racism simply it is not the only cause of crappy cops.
  20. Tibs I expected more out of you. The discussion is the balancing of the rights of women vs the rights of the child. To act as if it is not a living person is being disingenuous or anti science.
  21. It is pathetic that no one who is pro choice wants to discuss how the original was legally terrible. They should have spent the past 50 years getting it passed as a federal law rather than expecting no supreme court to state it is garbage
  22. The EJ Manuel comment is telling in that within 1 year no one remembers all the details around the pick, just was it a good one. Hopefully Cook makes us look smart
  23. Actually to not be aware means they put someone in charge of government department without doing even a cursory investigation.
  24. Well since the WHCD has turned into a super spreader event does that mean we will recognize the great limitations of the vaccine and boosters? Literally everyone there was boosted but still a bunch of them got it.
  25. So which part of the Florida law in particular did you disagree with? If not the actual words then I am not interested.
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