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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. How did he buy metadata? It is easy, anyone can do it, this is not the questionable part of the movie. The questionable part is whether there is a reasonable reason that a person could actually be going to the direct areas around the drop boxes. I accept that some of the people are innocent but the vast majority I believe we're doing as accused. I could not prove in court but I do believe it.
  2. You don't need to be white to be a white supremacists, you simply must be anti Democrat. I have posted here multiple times that a friend of mine who is the great grandchild of slaves on both sides, was called a white supremacists by the Orlando Sentinel years ago.
  3. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thestar.com/amp/opinion/contributors/2022/05/16/canada-has-its-own-baby-formula-problem.html Nothing like BT to get upset by stupid people. Canada imports the majority of it's formula and it would not share what it has with us at this time. It is like being pissed that NY does not share it's solar power with FL.
  4. You are the one defending it when your side does it, I stated both sides have their terrible people. People scream about killing politicians all the time while in DC, so once again no more serious because the other side it. Lastly "even if not true" means you are not worried about accuracy which means you are ok with politicians manipulation.
  5. I think where you and I really disagree is that Hillary did not have to do anything complicated, she simply did some digging for political dirt and used whatever she could to let the FBI do the heavy lifting, of which a few members were all too happy to run with. You mention all the indictments from this investigation, and most are similar to Manafort, he was charged for things he did years before the Trump campaign. In fact Manafort should have been caught by Mueller while he was at the FBI for his influence peddling, it is not a good look that he did all of it in the open prior to dealing with Trump.
  6. I am going KC then Colts. The Colts ran all over us last year with a garbage QB and Matt Ryan is at least above average. I think the entire AFC will be bashing each other weekly and hopefully we can use our relatively weak division to take the 1 seed
  7. That is more likely than it should be. Truly him going to Cleveland has to be one of his top 3 landing spots right now
  8. I am hoping you are about 21 years old because your naivete is alarming. There was no rubbing of feces on the wall, that was a lie from Schumer, if there was crap there would be pictures. Secondly the gallow was for a effigy not a real person, it was like three feet tall. And effigy's have been part of American politics since 1776
  9. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/01/19/politics/trump-inauguration-protests-womens-march/index.html Your ignorance is astounding- at some point you would figure you would go look something up. In 2017 the same thing happened only at that point the police handled it due to having enough cops on hand. In 2004 there were accusations of stolen election based on election machines made by Bush ally. Nothing is new except to those who are ignorant or complete political hacks.
  10. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/01/07/trump-for-first-time-acknowledges-new-administration-will-take-office-jan-20.html Once again your major point is wrong. Trump conceded Biden was President. He can keep discussing the impropriety of the election, just as Bidens press secretary has in regards to GA but he handed the keys of power over. Your overall point that Republicans do these things but Democrats don't is once again stupid. You simply seem to be unaware of half of the stories.
  11. I have not paid much attention to him but he seems like a jackass who I would not want to represent me
  12. Not sure where to stick this but this article details an event that occurs daily in our city schools and literally there is almost no reaction if the student who is the bully is a minority. https://www.yahoo.com/news/indian-american-student-choked-peer-000617630.html One other point is that most likely the bully is protected by the federal government because of a diagnosed "disability" which means he can only be suspended so many days a year unless he does something that requires police.
  13. I am sorry but the Pats* forced no punts or turnovers in two games and only stopped us once in those two games combined. They are no more a threat than the Phins or Jets at this point.
  14. Can we compare his stats vs his opponents in each game. He clearly had a bad game against the Pats* last year but was far better than Jones. I bet his opponents numbers were closer on the road than at home
  15. Elon seems to be looking for reasons not to buy, since he knew that at least 20% of Twitter is bots and fakes. I have 20 followers, all of whom I don't know and I rarely tweet so I am not that interesting to randoms.
  16. Your half right, it started with the fraud that Trayvon Martin was not the instigator of the fight with George Zimmerman. They grew to prominence with that fraud.
  17. He has had about 30 home games in his career and at least 6 of them have been terrible weather. That is 20% while road weather has not been as bad. Weather could definitely be the only reason for the difference
  18. Under what premise would you sue the automaker? Your statement means that you would allow dishonest lawyers to sue for anything
  19. Your memory sucks because you forgot the supreme court had to step in due to the fact that the Democrat run counties were doing illegal things. But here is a guardian article from the UK. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/oct/25/donald-trump-rigged-election-bush-gore-florida-voter-fraud
  20. In Florida in 2000 this is exactly what Gore tried to do, recount till you get the results. The leftist pushed it for 8 years calling him illegitimate. The difference is a small portion of the right believes Trump but a majority of leftist were dumb enough to follow Gore
  21. So you do think Ford should have to pay out for what happened in Wisconsin?
  22. If he trades Josh we dump him otherwise this is stupid.
  23. Yes all people who are proponents of CRT are like him, they believe race is the critical element of life. It is why he was a self described leftist.
  24. Actually he was a believer in it, he thinks race is critical to who you are. How could you argue anything else?
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