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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Man you can't keep on topic can you? Why the spike in voting for the primary in GA? Or is the FL law affecting GA?
  2. When 2024 has a large drop because no one wants 4 more years of Biden it will all the proof you need right? Blacks are as capable as white people no matter what you think of them.
  3. I pay nothing in income tax to the state and I am paying 20% of property taxes my value house would cost where I grew up in NY, so if keeping all my money makes me the loser you and I have very different perceptions on winning.
  4. I will let you finish after this but I am not going to continue with you on this topic- I am very ok with the concept that with rights come responsibility and everyone should have skin in the game. The fact that his plan would raise your taxes does not mean it would raise mine since nothing he says would raise taxes on those who already pay federal income taxes. I don't like paying taxes but I accept then as my cost of living in this country.
  5. What part of what he says makes you say those who pay taxes will pay more? I paid taxes now and nothing he says could be used to insinuate that mine will go up. But why do you feel people should be able to get all the benefits of this country without giving anything?
  6. I am still waiting for an explanation of how my taxes will go up?
  7. Just to your last comment, denial of communion is a long step from excommunication. Both are a repudiation but no communion is like a suspension vs getting fired.
  8. Actually either way it is fraud, even if my assumption is incorrect, since the signs were up for a total of 30 seconds, just enough to take pictures and then removed. People acting like this was actually anything but kids being dumb for a reaction makes it fraud.
  9. I am assuming race based on the history of the writers not the kids. I know kids do dumb things but this is national news based on what is a fraud. Becoming a victim is now "empowering" to these kids at times and it is perpetrated by these types of writers.
  10. This is a compelling argument that is not being used enough by his opponents.
  11. As I asked before how- and you keep wandering in circle using yourself as a source.
  12. And you believe Huffpost is protecting two white kids, gotcha.
  13. Interesting that you read the whole article but did not look for articles showing who complained in the first place. The complaints came in from a few parents of black students, therefore I am assuming they are ones who put up signs since they were only up for 30 seconds. But to your point Huffpost who never slander black people because of a few bad apples, which is a different standard than they have for white people.
  14. His plan would not cost me an additional dime, what plan are you talking about? Why would you think it would cost me money?
  15. Are you using yourself as a source on the Republican plans? Or should I believe the Lincoln Project? Seriously you are too funny.
  16. Perhaps you can share the tax plan you refer to, or are you just making stuff up again?
  17. https://www.yahoo.com/news/students-disciplined-labeling-water-fountains-075411912.html Black students do this for attention and then are not outed, why? They create a hostile school and then complain about it.
  18. I have never been to BarBill but if that is the good size wings then that is a good amount. I will say I have seen a friend of mine back in late 90s eat 100 of the small ones one day over like an hour when we got a special from the local hole in the wall. He literally had a food baby when he finished.
  19. The saddest part of this teacher is that she can't separate her personal opinion from facts. She can't understand that calling mass murder evil is not controversial, probably because calling evil by its name is something she does not do
  20. I am hoping in his letter that his blocking her is based on her promotion of abortion, not simply her lack of opposition. This is not a situation where you are with me or against me, the majority of people want to protect the babies and the mothers.
  21. Mueller himself did not flat out lie but someone was leaking what was being investigated to people like Schiff and pretending things like the Alfa bank connection was real. I think where you and I greatly differ is acceptance of why it was "deemed credible" by the FBI, since nothing was verified that mattered, and why it became partisan so quickly, since the FBI is not supposed to political but obviously it is.
  22. I believe you are being honest and I appreciate what you are saying in many ways but when you say "Trump clearly illegally obstructed justice in the Mueller investigation" Makes a few points clear 1(you think he had an obligation to work with the investigation that was hamstringing his administration based on lies. 2) this was not opposition research unless you think every bit of slander can be repeated. This info was known to be lies which is why it has to be presented to the FBI in a dishonest manner for it to be considered. 3) the Mueller probe was extremely partisan and never straight with the American people, hence men like Schiff having so many leaks based on lies. The final report has to show his $32 million was not just the wild goose chase it was.
  23. It is meta data not specific for people. They can tell someone did these things but don't know who
  24. For a guy worth what he is a $250k settlement is nothing, especially when his business could have been hurt by the accusation alone. If he simply flirted with her and then was alone with her the settlement is worth it to just make it go away. These accusations when they become public cost much more than $250k whether there is any merit to it or not
  25. I would be shocked if we move to a 4-3 outside of goal line defenses since last year we did not go to the 4-3 during the NE wind game when we knew they would not throw. I think they should use a 4-3 more but I doubt it
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