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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I am asking you then why should I trust them to save my life? I like them much more than you generally but you are the one saying I need to trust them.
  2. And your argument is I should turn over my self defense to these people? I prefer cops to normal criminals but you apparently think that cops are supposed to be perfect.
  3. In my head that is obvious but I am glad you said it. I enjoy watching him but I would be shocked if he is ever MVP again I disagree in two minor ways; I think the team is built to maximize his ability so no reciever want to come because he will be only star. Second I bet only about 5-8 team are bidding for him, but even if only 5 he will get paid
  4. I will believe it when more comes out but if he was helping Iran circumvent the Trump policy then he committed treason, and I am not using that word flippantly.
  5. Stacy Abrams is a proud victim of being stupid and enjoys arguing that other people should have to help her get rich since God did not bless her with any real abilities.
  6. Not sure if you can see it all but on page three Ethan starts his post with "This is just a blatantly racist original post. If anything you should have the exact opposite take." And then explained why Jackson was better and therefore I am racist for seeing Josh had a higher top side and was likely to reach it.
  7. I am actually on the teams side on this, since they want more home fans and having less fans who sell tix means more home fans most likely. I used to have Orlando Magic Tix and sold more than half and the guys around me told me they were always visiting fans.
  8. I will use this moment to point out that a mere 2 years ago I was called a racist on here for suggesting that Josh will be a better QB than Lamar and likely quickly. Few in NFL circles would disagree with me now, but I saw the potential of Josh and the likelihood that Jackson would never be a MVP candidate again with so much film on him. LJ is a good QB in the right system, Josh is the system
  9. This is short version, not what he deserved but bad decisions sometimes have horrible ramifications. Most of us have a story where if our luck had turned bad we would be in much worse shape, his life ended.
  10. Your self righteousness and claiming of victimhood is impressive, especially since YOU are person linking murders to suicides. Separating the two based on willingness of participation is a big differentiation. I don't know your brother diagnosis but I do think certain diagnosis such as borderline personality, or schizophrenia should not allow people to be allowed. Lastly I work at an alternative school where 10% of our students have tried to commit suicide over the past year, and that is about normal for us, I do know the what it means to watch someone for the signs of extreme depression and feel for you if you did what you could to help him, but sometimes people do things that make no sense and you can't always help them, though we keep trying.
  11. Your table is suicides, which if not for guns would be done a different way, so a mental health issue not a gun issue. As for blaming other states for Chicago, why is the rest of Illinois not under the hail of illegal guns?
  12. I could not find this one but it does show even more. As for the news, I almost apologized in the first place for using NBC because they are famous for their intentional editing. Now I want to see the camera from the airport itself because I am not sure this is all of it.
  13. https://www.google.com/amp/s/coralspringstalk.com/robert-runcie-arrested-for-perjury-32166/amp The superintendent was charged with perjury and subsequently removed from office based on actions surrounding the safety protocols that were not followed in the county. When we ignore kids who are openly threatening people and places bad things will happen. We had a student at my school threaten our school with a gun on Instagram and they arrested her and over her parents objections put her at an inpatient facility. I think a law should be passed that she can buy a gun also.
  14. Oh please show me your table showing more legal guns causes more shooting deaths by localities. You are pathetically wrong, in my area there are certainly more guns than people but not one shooting death in the 18 years I have lived in this house. In Chicago, DC, NYC there are few legal guns per Capita but much higher shooting deaths. If your argument is illegal guns cause shootings I agree but illegal guns are usually owned by bad guys
  15. I think was referenced a few months ago but the biggest issue is that a 38 year old with a torn ACL is much different than a 26 year old and we also don't know if the player was a stud or just hanging on. These are large variables, meaning while the study is true it is not as good a predictor as it might seem on surface.
  16. I will definitely start pushing for one form of gun control- if you threaten to shoot someone or a place publicly, you should not be allowed to buy a gun. If you do this as a student you should have to go to an inpatient facility and be fully evaluated. This law would have stopped Parkland and Buffalo. Of course liberals would have to deal with the fact that the ratio of kids doing it are not even broken down by race. People who think that paying high taxes for the same government are not worth arguing with about anything. BTW the good guys with guns is only reason that Gondren did not kill a bunch more.
  17. So competent people with guns is a problem to you? Or are just Bills times alter ego?
  18. Josh reverting to 2019 Josh is more worrisome to me than Tua being that good. I am also more worried about Zach Wilson making the Jets decent and a 10 win team than Tua.
  19. What is so amazing about this to me personally, when the original story happened my friend was profiled on NBC news as the story immediately after Lester Holt discussing this in completely dishonest terms. My friend, who was pleased to be profiled, was embarrassed because Lester made all black people sound incompetent and lazy. He even told his daughter not to listen to him, and seeing these numbers I am glad he recognized the absurdity despite being liberal.
  20. I don't have an answer but it needs to be something that allows these guys to really compete. Maybe make it QBs vs DBs in trivia or video games. I can't really imagine a way to make me care unless the players are going all out.
  21. That is only a half quote the whole thing is " in matters of taste the customer is always right" basically if the customer has no taste but wants to buy something, let them. https://www.nbcnews.com/video/video-shows-apparent-fight-between-former-nfl-player-brendan-langley-and-newark-airport-worker-140710469726
  22. There is a longer video where it is clear Langley started it. I looked for more because it was clear this was edited for an effect
  23. During that general time frame I remember Jim Kelly running almost out of bounds and just lofting the ball out of the back of the endzone and then getting an intentional grounding call. I had thought the rule change was more recent but intentional grounding used to be anywhere of field but the new rule was enacted to protect QBs when out of pocket.
  24. The rule was put into place in about 1990 to give the team an extra timeout basically, it costs a down but the rule was created as an exception to your point.
  25. He was arrested because he started the physical part of the confrontation. What are you thinking was the cause?
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