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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailynews.com/2021/12/20/juveniles-can-avoid-jail-for-robbery-burglary-arson-under-new-policies-by-da-gascon/amp/ This is the kind of thing I was referencing, but I did simplify too much. If you are breaking into someone's house you deserve a real punishment.
  2. You don't understand what an AR 15 is if you think it is that impressive. Secondly people are already screened but very often the people responsible for the screening do a crap job or don't have the information they need because red flags, like threatening schools, are not passed along like they are supposed to be. But I have a serious question what makes an AR an Assault Rifle any more than a normal rifle?
  3. What amazes me on Twitter was the number of people of saying that it was a mentally ill person, so starting a fight would be bad. Teaching mentally ill people that they get special right due to their illness is not healthy for them or society. Even I'll people need to know that there is a line, and when you touch another person that line is crossed and consequences follow.
  4. ESPN pushed their own demise by getting away from just sports. The majority of my students know athletes more by their out of sports persona- fashion, food, whatever- than by their actual sports ability. ESPN did not need to cover all the other parts as deeply as they did. Once the other stuff eclipsed 50% of the time I had no use for ESPN.
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/news/thousands-florida-had-guns-seized-104100388.html I was unaware of how often this has happened recently. I am surprised that my state is one of the few doing this. In fact this likely would have stopped the Buffalo shooter since he made threats last year.
  6. You must need here. IMO it is mainly the first, with a large dose of the second. But stick around and you can make your own diagnosis.
  7. Every accusation is a confession. In Florida armed security will kill you and if not you will be prosecuted. In California it appears neither of these is true
  8. As I said you only object because it is DeSantis thank you for proving my point
  9. Those kids are on a field trip to the state capitol. What is wrong with that? You don't think they should understand how government works because DeSantis is republican?
  10. Can you imagine using your children as political props and being proud of it? I guess if thinking logically is not within your abilities this is the best you can do. So what is different between here and there?
  11. Not we all have to carry guns, but we don't know who is carrying. I believe you knew that but if clarification helps you see how it works I am glad to be at service. I will ask this question of you, I live a few miles from billionaires and they have never had ANY armed robberies in their neighborhood- why is that? Neighborhood is called Isleworth, if you want to look it up.
  12. This is why I have little trust in the conviction, with the amount of excluded evidence proving this to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt would be difficult. OJ was guilty but his lawyers made a compelling enough case
  13. I think the top about 8 guys are defined by their offense, basically trade them all around and the numbers go up or down mainly based on the team, not them. These dudes get open and are awesome but who is getting them the ball
  14. Every accusation is a confession.
  15. The kid was censored because he was going to make a political statement, not because he was gay. The school approved the speech knowing it was entirely about him being gay. But I am glad you approve of me telling students that DeSantis is the best governor in the world and they just have to listen to it since it is FREE SPEECH. Oh wait there are places political discussions are inappropriate, commencing being one.
  16. LOL- you honestly have no idea what you are linking to most of the time. I seriously hope you are paid by someone to do what you do because if the some Quixotic task I feel bad for you
  17. The kid is such a "victim" that he was voted class president mainly because he was gay. He was censored because he was going to use the speech for political reasons, which has been the standard there for years. I stated we have different views on winning, apparently we have different definitions of being a victim.
  18. You drinking the good stuff tonight? Do you think cops and soldiers are cowards? Or how about people who live in unsafe places? I will state with 100% certainty you grew up and have always lived someplace safe. Others are not so lucky.
  19. You seem to be afraid to answer my question- if you trust cops less than I do why should I give up my right to self defense?
  20. I am asking you then why should I trust them to save my life? I like them much more than you generally but you are the one saying I need to trust them.
  21. And your argument is I should turn over my self defense to these people? I prefer cops to normal criminals but you apparently think that cops are supposed to be perfect.
  22. In my head that is obvious but I am glad you said it. I enjoy watching him but I would be shocked if he is ever MVP again I disagree in two minor ways; I think the team is built to maximize his ability so no reciever want to come because he will be only star. Second I bet only about 5-8 team are bidding for him, but even if only 5 he will get paid
  23. I will believe it when more comes out but if he was helping Iran circumvent the Trump policy then he committed treason, and I am not using that word flippantly.
  24. Stacy Abrams is a proud victim of being stupid and enjoys arguing that other people should have to help her get rich since God did not bless her with any real abilities.
  25. Not sure if you can see it all but on page three Ethan starts his post with "This is just a blatantly racist original post. If anything you should have the exact opposite take." And then explained why Jackson was better and therefore I am racist for seeing Josh had a higher top side and was likely to reach it.
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