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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. According to @4th&long Maher is a right wing extremist now who lives in an echo chamber.
  2. I figured I will remind you that we decided in 1861 that when the federal government decides on the legal status of a person that states and mayors must follow or they go to jail.
  3. I am not in favor of this because some of the waiters at Disney make well into 6 figures, with the majority being tips. One guy in particular, who I have not seen in a decade, told me was pulling down $100 an hour with tips at the flying fish in 2012. I assume that number could be $120-$150 an hour now, meaning they are making $200k a year. With that being said the IRS is so incompetent it is immoral to expect a person making $25k a year to keep track of all their tip money so I guess this is the only option.
  4. The teacher is from my area and it is the second one arrested in the past about 15 months that passed clearance. After the last arrest we found out the FBI knew that guy was pedophile but did not do anything to assure he did not teach. I am wondering if we will find out similar this time.
  5. I think what Trump is doing is creating a situation where Canada, Greenland, and Mexico all become an official protectorate of the US. This is to our advantage in some ways but definitely cuts off the Chinese from being able to make as many inroads which will benefit us in the future.
  6. I am not thrilled by her choice but it could be much worse. She does not have as much experience as I hoped but I honestly can't think of someone significantly better from FL right now, I probably should have thrown my hat into the ring.
  7. This is astonishing to me that we have not heard more about this guy. He publicly joined ISIS after being in the military and no one has anything to say? Nothing to warn us about?
  8. https://www.espn.com/college-sports/story/_/id/43443976/dept-education-says-title-ix-applies-payments-athletes If this stands men will be even more incentivized to pretend to be a girl to make more money. Once you put the idea of a 100k paycheck in front of them for shaving their legs there will be no turning back. Dems truly never think about the purpose of long term consequences of their decisions.
  9. Apparently no one on the defense is any good, but of course most people only saw the LA and DET game so it is hard to argue with casual fans. On offense it is Shakir to me, no one knows who he is but he burns everyone.
  10. I am still hoping he pops back around right after the inauguration all full of vinegar, because he was off in another country having a grand old time. But my hope is fading because he seemed to enjoy his time here.
  11. I can speak to Florida fairly well, not so much the others. Florida has almost two completely different markets, those along the coast and those in middle of state. In Orlando you can insure a 500k home for $2000 a year. The reason for such high average is that a similar house along the coast would have a $10k premium because it is assumed it will be heavily damaged once every 10-20 years, but that still is less than it should be. Government does need to be involved in insurance though for two main reasons, one is to ensure reserved are high enough to pay out when needed and secondly to ensure that certain damages are covered. In FL all Condo policies are basically identical, in NYC, at least in 2010, each policy was its own beast and idiot/corrupt condo board members were buying policies that were garbage and did not cover anything. Insurance is a mundane boring topic but is unfortunately vital when it is needed.
  12. . ISIS lost control of 95 percent of the territory that it seized between 2014 and 2017 and lost control of its final territories in Iraq and Syria in 2017 and 2019, respectively.[1] IS has continued to expand across the globe since 2019 Quoted from https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/islamic-state’s-global-long-game-and-resurgence-syria-poses-evolved-threat-west It would appear that they lost all their land under Trump but have slowly been rebuilding, once again I am correct. I will ask again what makes you things I am happy the Cali is burning? Is it simply that I place blame where it belongs?
  13. Art like that is not covered by a normal homeowners policy, it would have to be specific to those items. In which case an insurance company knew what they were and insured them, so they play stupid games you pay stupid amounts.
  14. Well played, since you can't answer it just pretend you don't understand. Clearly it is better to not not admit that all your issues with him are political.
  15. Can you tell me why he is a scumbag that would make you not vote for Democrat? It seems all his issues are helpful to Dems to stay in office.
  16. I am amazed that anyone can watch the hearing and come away with the thought that the Dems are hurting him. They have only stumped him by asking about economic issues, which are not under his direction at all. When it comes to the military he will make it stronger and better, standards will be maintained and the units will be filled with people who can do the job.
  17. You do realize that Trump annihilated ISIS after Obama allowed it to flourish and then Biden allowed it to come back. Clearly you need to do some research.
  18. What situations in FL are you discussing?
  19. Actually I am very handy, I have not had to pay for a repair on my house in the 23 years I have lived here, unless you count the roof. I don't mess with electrical and limit my plumbing exposure but I am competent. As for my direct question your clearly agree that there is no reasonable logical answer to that question.
  20. I have read multiple people on Twitter write the same thing about Jerry Coleman- basically as Raven fans they are embarrassed by him and want nothing to do with him. He says crap to get reactions and most of them have forgotten he exists, kinda like our Jerry from back in the day
  21. Prior to 2024 the last time Asheville had a hurricane do major damage was in 1954, which is before half my aunts and uncles were born. The last time Cali had a major fire was last year, and the year before, and the year before and I don't know how many before that because that research is really depressing. BTW most of my aunts and uncles are grandparents now so the fact that two generations happened between one set of events and the other is literally annual should be enough to prove my point but I know you will come back and attack me with something stupid. Once again why are a few thousand gallons of water useful being dropped from a plane but 100million gallons would be worthless right where the fire started?
  22. I am not sure how to interpret this data, because Burrows seems to be the most heavily first look thrower in NFL but has a high progressions score. It would seem the two concepts would conflict with each other, along with Josh with his scrambles is not negating his progressive n number. Not sure what the number is supposed to mean.
  23. This would be hilarious except for the fact it shows you are not intelligent enough to discuss any of topics you reference. One I appreciate you admitting that no matter how much money we give the government they will never influence the weather or climate. Secondly Helene is a once a century storm, fires are an annual event in California, one you can prep for and one you simply react but NC governor and FEMA have absolutely sucked so far. As for insurance I doubt the state allowed any differentiation between natural fires and arson but if they did these people are truly screwed.
  24. Unless something is in just California policies it does not change anything unless they themselves were the arsonist or somehow involved. If my neighbor burns down his house intentionally and mine is collateral mine is covered his is not
  25. Point by point- I am not happy that California has turned into this crap show, it used to be the height of being American and now it has turned terrible. Defending what Cali has become is akin to defending the Bills during the drought, it should be unacceptable. The engineer who was quoted is the guy responsible for the reservoir being empty, he might not be the best guy to ask what the ramifications are for his lack of performance. I never claimed I sold insurance, and don't want to move California but I appreciate you recognizing that I would be better than the dopes in charge now. As for your experiment I do wonder if the people who built the hydrants expected that reservoir of a mere 100 million gallons to assist the water flow of the neighborhood, maybe that is the issue
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