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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. First question- the grinding dumb ones sometimes outperform the gifted on the final. I currently have a gifted kid who has 45 absences in the first 100 days, all his intellect won't matter if he can't understand the question. As for second part- your belief that the federal government was doing almost anything effectively is where we disagree. I accept a certain amount of hatred from foreigners, especially ones that were profiting off of the dysfunction. Which treaty do you want to discuss in regards to Trump?
  2. Military strikes in Somalia like Obama? Treaties that we uphold but not the other side? Got it.
  3. we agree 80% and I feel that is enough. I will tell you that amongst my students those who work hard and are above average intelligence outperform the lazy gifted kids always.
  4. So I am right and 4th is wrong. I agree with what you say here, but will expand a little further. High level parents don't let their children around low level kids if they can help it. High level parents sacrifice time and money to ensure their kids have the right example and surroundings. The only thing that 4th is correct about is that effort almost always outweighs talent, but talent plus effort will win.
  5. Pax Americana is dead because of Biden, not Trump. Trump has zero wars and Biden could not stop the 3 that happened.
  6. So you think 4th and long is 100% wrong, cool. Your 4th grade insult actually proves my point while showing how immature you are, quite the two for one.
  7. This is true, he made Eric Bienemy a hot head coaching pick for several years and he is not a good coach
  8. I know this is not NFL but this is actually worse than happened to us, which I think is impossible to achieve without it being intentional. https://www.espn.com/soccer/story/_/id/43661228/heerenveen-robin-van-persie-rails-unthinkable-referee-error
  9. Do you think solar and wind are cheaper? Are you actually this stupid? Whatever government office you work for has to know that neither of those is cheap.
  10. Our offense is fine, even our bad games in the playoffs we scored 27 points. The defense needs one big fatty in the middle like Dexter Lawrence. Jones is passed his prime and not that effective anymore, if we had that our defense would be elite. We could also improve our Safeties but a great D Tackle stops all receivers.
  11. You are talking about innate abilities, and your belief in tabula rasa has been debated and basically proven wrong by any serious look. Mental abilities and physical abilities are the same in that you must be born with certain abilities. Let me ask a straight forward question: do you think a person with an IQ of 90 could handle the workload of a CEO of a fortune 500 company?
  12. I teach basic geometry, but even my topic is too difficult for some. Your belief, extended to its logical conclusion, is that anyone can dunk a basketball if they worked hard enough, which obviously is untrue and only the mentally stunted would make such a claim. You are similarly as stunted
  13. Your sarcasm aside your belief is very damaging to our society in general and education specifically. Your inability to understand the fact that some people are not capable of grasping the complexity of being a surgeon, or a doctor, or even an ATC is why your beliefs lead to unnecessary deaths and problems. Why do you believe something so illogical when we live in a world were 40% of college grads can't be made to understand how a simple loan works?
  14. This one seems much more "normal" if all the facts so far are correct. This is small plane with only 5 people onboard. Smaller semi private planes are more likely to have issues, and if the pilot had a heart attack and fell forward when no one was around it would explain it.
  15. Not sure where you live but Orlando is a big time airport and when it is having issues running properly it is big news in the area. This lawsuit is known hear by people who fly a lot, or in my case used to fly a lot, and keep up with it. As for you direct question: yes, there are lots of black people who fulfill the requirements. What do the qualified people have to do with the unqualified people?
  16. I am not surprised you work for the government, what you say points to that direction. I don't want to build coalition with people who believe chopping of teen girls breasts is helping them mentally, or think representation is more important than competence. But I have a direct question - what coalition building did Biden do?
  17. So let me ask a simple direct question, why was there only one ATC working the other night at one of the top 25 busiest airports in the US?
  18. The fact that you have never heard about the problem with the FAA hiring shows how little you know about the situation. There is currently a large class action lawsuit in regards to it, the number of ATC in the country is too small and that has been made worse in the past decade. BTW you wrote previously that "even if there was a DEI hire" which is a statement that infers you don't recognize the lower standard were required on the test for a black man. This is not an "accusation" this is a statement of fact that minorities were held to lower standards than whites for government positions. It is identical to what happened in the 1950s but only with the races reversed, which is wrong.
  19. I want to make fun of you but I truly pity your lack of awareness of the world. Politicians understand how to maintain control of their little fiefdoms. My congressman is so boring because no one in my district wants to be embarrassed where next door they have Maxwell who spouts off on everything because they just want someone to say something. Few care how they maintain.
  20. This topic has gone a weird direction for liberals, like the meme, we started with it is not happening in 2010, to it is happening and it is good in 2015, to it never happened in 2025 and you are a racist for wanting competent people in charge.
  21. You don't think they changed the hiring practices about a decade ago? Ok I can't argue with you when you are going to deny something they bragged about. The fact that you hit the nail on the head without even realizing it is hilarious to me, the issue is hiring, take the most competent people, which you then go on a stupid tangent about demographics again, hire the best people regardless.
  22. Not sure what you mean by that, Messi makes more than his entire league and Jordan used to make more than the rest of his team combined.
  23. The lack of ATC nationwide was made much worse because of the DEI hiring practices of the past decade, they did not hire white men for many positions so they could hold them for minorities. To pretend otherwise is to put politics over fixing the problem. A former neighbor was an ATC until a few years ago at Orlando and he told me that they never allowed one person to work alone and in Orlando there was always a spare person doing the other part of an ATCs job, why was there not another person their to assist? This crash was avoidable, and we need to fix it. For the time being I would say no helicopters near the airport and work from there but something must change.
  24. Truly your racism being shown on such an important conversation is crazy. You actually believe that having a black man is the important part, you think the wheelchair is important, I just want competent people and lots of them. I have worked for two separate "DEI" hires, people chosen for their skin and/or gender and both were disasters. I have worked under every race and more women than men, the majority were good to great but when you pick someone due to the things that don't matter to successfully doing the job, failure is what you get.
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