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Orlando Buffalo

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Posts posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. 7 hours ago, Starr-Bills said:

    The point is not the mechanic (copy and paste) for spreading the propaganda. The fact is multiple people on this board have used this exact argument including you in the original post I was referring to. That’s the point that they feed these ideas into the social media sphere and  you guys read it and repeat it ( or post the regurgitated content from someone else). And it’s super interesting to watch how an idea will pop up you guys will spread it. It’ll get countered or fact checked and then all of a sudden the new one is there for you guys to dutifully spread that one. Rinse and repeat.

    You think Trump already being president is "fact checked"? Or the fact that dictators don't wait for a second chance? You think you are making pints but you are just proving your cpmpetence

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  2. 2 hours ago, SectionC3 said:

    I appreciate that your brain has been poisoned by right wing conspiracy theories and nonsense, but reading the signs here tells any rational

    observer that Mr. Robinson wrote that stuff.  Meaning of course that he’s a self loathing, wannabe nazi slaveholder, who beats it to tranny porn.  It hardly gets weirder than that. 

    My coworker having a tech guy at the company create emails with false dates is a conspiracy theory? You are literally saying facts are conspiracy theories. I will also point out you believed  the Trump pee tapes had been verified, so maybe a little skepticism from you would be a good thing. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, SectionC3 said:

    But Orlando Timmy says that unless somebody saw this scumbag type this stuff it wasn’t him!  Pizza gate is true,  even though nobody saw anything, and that Haitian thing is also totally true, even though there’s no evidence to support it, but the MAGA standard of proof (if it hurts MAGA it’s fake) applies to this case.  

    This is much more in line with the Hunter laptop, which "experts" stated was Russian disinformation after they had already verified it was real. Secondly I did not at any point say it could not be him, I simply don't believe the reports when I know how easy it is to "post date" items on websites with poor security. It happened to a coworker about 15 years ago, and unfortunately it cost him thousands of dollars in legal fees to fight what ended up being a totally fake allegation of what "he" posted. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Starr-Bills said:

    I see you have your talking points down, how much were you paid. Can’t make this ***** up.


    (Seriously watch this video) @Orlando Buffalo


    I am glad that was only 3 minutes long but watching an idiot realize in September of 2024 people on social media will copy and paste simple responses is not news to my 14 year old students, you being impressed by it is truly an indictment of your intelligence. I also appreciate you not trying to further defend your position.

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  5. 2 hours ago, SectionC3 said:


    Correct it is a hoax meant to impress morons, I am proud of you for recognizing that


    4 hours ago, Backintheday544 said:

    They were able to see his account and it had his name, personal email address. In his birthday he posted about how it’s his birthday. There’s a lot they did to verify it’s him.


    CNN wrote some more about their verification:


    Robinson has frequently used the username “minisoldr” elsewhere on the internet. On X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, Robinson once used the minisoldr username, according to a screenshot he shared on Facebook in 2018 and datain Robinson’s old tweets.

    A YouTube playlist for a user named “minisoldr” features exclusively videos of Robinson. On Pinterest, a user “minisoldr” lists his name as “Mark Robinson.”

    The “minisoldr” username has also posted reviews of products and places Robinson has also publicly recommended. On Amazon, a user named “minisoldr” reviewed products frequently shared by Robinson on Facebook, including remote-controlled helicopters. And the same email address and username used on Nude Africa also left reviews on Google for two local businesses Robinson later posted on Facebook that he used.

    Robinson’s unique choice of language further links him to the “minisoldr” alias on the pornographic forums. Uncommon phrases such as “gag a maggot,” “dunder head,” “I don’t give a frogs a**,” and “I don’t give two shakes of it” were used both by minisoldr on Nude Africa and by Robinson on his personal Facebook page




    You argued the entirety of the Hunter laptop was fake and Russian but you believe that it would be impossible to fake a few posts and dates on a small random website? /Let me ask directly what evidence would make you believe it was fake?

    • Haha (+1) 4
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  6. This thread is truly scary, someone shows a screen shot from 12 years ago, tells you it is from a person and y'all believe it. There is literally no way for it to verified it was him and no way for him to prove it was not him since it was so long ago. This has all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign but somehow the low IQ people here gobble it up.

    • Haha (+1) 1
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Starr-Bills said:

    I’m not making up anything. They said originally that they felt it was like a Russian op. And turns out it is like a Russian op. And lev says it was a set up. 

    you don’t seem to understand what a lie is and what a misstatement or anything ghat isn’t processed through the right wing echo chamber. I’m not saying hunter isn’t sketchy but you seem to want to use that to dismiss the actual crimes being committed by the felon and his cronies. 

    The Steele Dossier was a lie, the laptop from hell not being real was a lie. The fact that you are willing to lie to pretend otherwise is hilarious 

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  8. 10 hours ago, Starr-Bills said:

    Vindicated is what they seem to feel. But cool.

    “Now, many of those former officials say they feel vindicated by the allegations against the FBI informant.

    No public evidence has emerged pointing to a Russian government role in how the laptop materials were made public. But the former officials say the materials fueled stories consistent with Russian efforts to accuse Biden of corruption that persist to this day — and that therefore they were justified in sounding the alarm.

    “It validates exactly what we were warning about,” said Marc Polymeropoulos, a 26-year CIA veteran who supervised operations involving Russia. “Ours was a prudent warning. The Russians were going to push this narrative of Hunter Biden and corruption, to hurt Joe Biden.””


    so as the Russians want we can go round and round on this instead of the very real and in the open corruption that was the felon’s presidency, nepotism where his daughter and son in law actually worked for the WH and made 100’s of millions, and got billions after they left office. How his other daughters is running the RNC and they are spending the money for the felons lawyers. But sure maybe or maybe not Biden knew something about his drug addict son. 

    Reminds me of the old joke about the guy taking a wheelbarrow of sand out of the factory every night… and it was a long time before they realized he was steeling wheelbarrows not sand.

    The laptop was already verified, you can keep acting like the fact that it would be similar to Russian disinformation matters but they already knew it was true prior to the article 

  9. 21 hours ago, BillsVet said:

    Stats don't always tell the story and, in this debate about the run-pass ratio, current NFL trends, etc. their wins have become closer games.  


    Under Daboll Buffalo won 20 of their 24 regular season games by 8 or more points.

    With Brady, 9 of their 18 games during his tenure were by the same margin.


    Buffalo's 8 wins under Brady (and the sample size is small) 3 were by 8 or more points.  


    No one stat proves right or wrong.  Strength of schedule factors into this, but I'm interested to see whether the trend continues of closer margin wins.     

    I completely agree, I would be interested in our efficiency, are we scoring more per drive, more yards per drive that type of thing

  10. I am the odd one, I followed and loved the Yankees growing up but when I moved to FL I switched to the Rays on 2007. Basically I have never been to Yankee stadium  and enjoyed going to Rays games at the Trop. As for complete dropping of league I had 6 years of NBA season tickets for Orlando Magic but now watch no NBA because the players don't care. Too many games they don't even try hard to win.

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  11. On 9/19/2024 at 12:29 PM, Starr-Bills said:

    Maybe you don’t understand what the word lie means. It doesn’t mean “I don’t believe it” it actually means a knowingly false statement.


    just because you believe without evidence the propaganda you’ve been fed doesn’t mean any of the things you listed are lies. 

    and this side thing is the real point of the propaganda you’ve been fed. We are all Americans (well maybe not WNYGUY or NC 🤣 but you get my point)

    So you believe that the "security experts" who called Hunters Laptop Russian disinformation did not know it had already been authenticated? You truly are special 

  12. 10 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

    I’ll add that, in addition to cities not burning and the Antifa Air Force not having disputed air traffic or security, neither of my pets has yet been eaten by an illegal immigrant. 

    I am looking for clarity here, are you arguing that not ALL cities burned or that Minneapolis did not burn and that the CHAZ did not exist in Seattle? Those are very different things. 

    • Eyeroll 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

    Do people on this board not post info from think tanks or pollsters?


    Not sure why you are having a difficult time with this concept…

    No, I believe they polled around 3000 people…And of the 3000, ten percent claimed to have voted as a non citizen…

    I blame you for responding. They know that many jurisdictions don't verify citizenship and therefore illegals sometimes vote. They also know that the reason that they don't verify is illegals almost exclusively vote Dem.

    • Agree 2
  14. I did a little research and believe my info is correct but feel free to correct any details. The permit commissioner is paid $125k per year, this project was applied for 60+ days ago and they have not approved it yet? This incompetence should be unacceptable and I can't believe that so many of you see this kind of performance and try and defend it. 


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  15. 9 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

    He is a threat to democracy. Simple as.


    And last I checked, Vivek wasn’t a Democrat. Neither was Haley. The shooter was a big fan of both.

    How do you know he is a fan of those two? The only stuff I have seen on him is his love of Ukraine. As for Trump, to argue the guy who got the most votes in the primary is the threat when his opponent received no votes makes me realize you have no clue what democracy means.

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