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Orlando Buffalo

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    Orlando FL

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All Pro (7/8)



  1. For a guy not complaining you seem to be complaining about a lot of things. And for things that haven't changed you seem to have have listed several that have changed.
  2. I keep reading how good this draft is for DL, so my first two rounds are DT then DE, then start looking elsewhere, unless something shocking drops down the draft board
  3. I fully understand that the copilot was not ready for that landing, it was tricky, but who was the actual pilot? If the actual pilot was new also, I am curious how often that happens that two new pilots are in the cockpit together? I don't understand why the FAA makes it so difficult to get answers because all it does is allow the speculation to take hold. I am not a pilot but this does sound awesome. And remember we all love each other here when you are the one offering such great things😀
  4. This complaining sound like the people in NY who complained about Pataki back when he was elected, complaining when he did exactly what he said he would do. Unrealistic people will always be upset regardless of the situation. Then why are you complaining if everything is the same as if Biden was president?
  5. It is a pilot program, not a permanent one therefore it is a test. NYC had to sell the Feds on benefits and they did not do that . https://www.transportation.gov/briefing-room/us-department-transportation-terminates-tolling-approval-new-york-citys-cordon
  6. I understand your point and until I read the reasons I agreed with you but it is against federal law to pay for roads with public funds for a public road and then turn it into a toll road without certain approvals. Biden did not give full approvals and therefore it is up to the Trump administration to decide.
  7. The fact that you are reacting this way is why he does it, I don't like that he does it, I dislike the fact that it is so effective much more.
  8. When Trump trolls he goes big, I wish he wouldn't but it is who he is.
  9. So you clearly think that the FAA as currently constituted is racist since it definitely has valued diversity over ability because they did not take the best scoring candidates if they were white men?
  10. I have a serious direct question for you- if I have 400 people applying for 100 jobs and white people are 95 of the top 100 applicants how many white people should be hired?
  11. People trying to have a conversation will separate them by calling it classical liberalism, since the term has been reworked to mean something very different than it meant to Washington and his ilk. Liberalism in that time was anti government control, which is the antithesis of current liberals. What you did would be the same thing as comparing 1970 Pro Bowl LBer skills to 2025 LBers, same term but the definition is very different
  12. You do realize that everyone who works at the DMV, home insurance company, and bank has access to your info. This kinda paranoia is based in being completely ignorant.
  13. I am only seeing the author claiming it is banned, when the DOD explains why it is banned I will decide if it is a good reason.
  14. You are such a coward you won't even the name the book, but I appreciate you admitting that giving children porn is important to you.
  15. Musk founded PayPal, why do facts scare you so much?
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