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Everything posted by billsgpr88

  1. Revis' response: "I don't understand why [laughing] he didn't study me?" Revis said. "[Laughing more] Because I will be on the opposite side. But I don't know what their gameplan or their preparation is. And personally I don't know what Geno's preparation is but I would hope if you're playing against another opponent you should [laughing once more] study everybody on the opposing team. "I'm studying him. [still laughing] Just to let him know, I'm studying him."
  2. Don't want to be presumptuous, but I think this guy's gonna be in for a rude awakening On watching tape of Darrelle Revis: "I mean, I don't think it's necessary," Smith said. "Maybe I will, maybe I won't. You pretty much get the idea of what kind of player he is based on his reputation."
  3. Been reading the other posts and it seems as though most believe Byrd's faking the PF. However, just saw an ESPN preview where Mike Rodak says he doesn't expect Byrd to play. Does anyone have info saying otherwise?
  4. Butler's been released, so it's between rogers, robey, brooks, and possibly williams if we get desperate and need him to move back. Who's the best (or least awful) choice and why? My guess is as good as yours...
  5. This is what I'm talking about; you don't think this attitude haunts the franchise and lingers in the minds of the players and coaches? OT1960, I know the bills have a depressing history of underachieving and last second collapses but the anticipation of its perpetuation is toxic. I don't give a ish, I BILLIEVE that come next sunday, the bills got a chance. If Brady's gets knocked around a bit, he'll lose his rhythm and the rest of the pats O will follow. That being said, we NEED another corner before the season starts
  6. So the recent injuries have the bills faithful shaking their heads at the premature yet seemingly inevitable collapse at any chances of being respectable this year. I have to say despite the key injuries and glimpses of potential weaknesses in the washington game, I still feel like the bills have a GOOD chance of beating the pats come opening day, especially if EJ can play, for the following reasons. 1.) CJ IS THE MAN. Once he gets past the first level, he's as dangerous as anyone in the league and he's gonna get the ball more than he ever has. Marrone and Hackett both have a history of running the ball and the pats rush D was 27th in the league last year. 2.) EJ has looked like a leader on and off the field. Gone are the days of Bills qb looking at the ground, shrugging their shoulders during postgame interviews (Fitz was the biggest culprit of this), I honestly feel we have someone who hates to lose and will do whatever he can to win the whole game. I swear between Fitz and Edwards, it looked they would only realize in the fourth quarter that it was their job to score points. 3.) Wannsted is gone. I, like almost everyone else, was pumped last year in the preseason. A single interview with Dave Wannsted deflated nearly any hopes I had for the season before it even started. He had a lazy, complacent demeanor, and next to nothing to say about what he had planned for the D. The last thing you want from the leader of defense. On the other hand, Pettine seems really, relentlessly competitive (not to mention a real philosophy on defense and a playbook that isn't 20 years old). A big factor in my mind 4.) Pats lost their SEVEN best wideouts. I think everyone knows this, but it can't be stressed enough. They had two pro bowl caliber TE's and the best slot receiver in the game. Say what you want about Ammendola, he has never been close to Welker's level in his career as of yet. 5.) The bills had the pats at the ralph last year. If it wasn't for a monumental 2nd half collapse, that game was ours to win. I always think that divisional games are always totally different than all others because the teams are so familiar with each other, but the pats won't fully have that advantage because of the brand new playbooks, coaches, and several new players. As bad as it was losing EJ, Kolb, and Gilmore in quick succession, I think the bills do have a decent chance on opening day. I don't know about the season as a whole, but I'm tired of reading about how brady is gonna tear them to shreads. And I'm tired of hearing about next year's draft prospects every time the bill's hit a bump in the road. Mark my words, it will NOT be a blowout. GO BILLS
  7. No I definitely want feedback but neither player has proven themself at either position so we can't say it's an open and shut case. Williams looked passive against the redskins and I'd like to see brooks in a position to do what he does best: hit
  8. I don't think there is any real evidence that supports either of those statements
  9. Since our secondary is a mess right now... ron brooks to strong safety? I'm not big on the x's and o's, so I'm sure some of you can give me a hundred reasons why this is a bad idea but hear me out. Mckelvin covering the top wide out is a nightmare to me, he has no chance. As much of an optimist I try to be, a guy who's been in the league for six years has had more than enough time to show you what he brings to the table and unfortunately that isn't much as far as mckelvin goes. This means aaron williams (in my mind) HAS to return to corner, leaving the SS slot open (he didn't look that comfortable there last week anyways). With Searcy looking terrible in the preseason and all other possibilities being completely unproven, why not plug in arguably the biggest hitter in the secondary to the position in the secondary where that matters the most? Brooks hasn't impressed with his coverage skills, but I think that forced fumble against the colts showed you something we haven't seen from a bills db (and rarely from ANY bills player) since antoine winfield: a BIG A$$ hit. The kind that gets the crowd going, and makes the wideouts tentative. Of course he's undersized, not familiar with the position and wasn't even projected as a potential safety in the draft, but the secondary's in dire straits and something's got to give. I'm tired of seeing every offensive player that plays against the bills fall forward after a hit, or even worse pick up a few yards after contact. I'm sure my ignorance of the game is showing now, but the secondary is desperate and in need of an attitude change imho.... I dunno, just an idea And for the love of God get Bryan Scott off the field... He covers receivers like guns and roses do knockin' on heaven's door
  10. oh jeez, now mckelvin is our #1 corner. based on what I saw against washington, that is some terrible news
  11. This just in, longest active bill no longer on the roster http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/rian-lindell-buffalo-kicker-since-2003-cut-favor-131348573.html
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