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Posts posted by billsgpr88

  1. 22 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:


    Tannehill's teams win at a higher % than do Fitz's. As far as mobility, neither is what I'd call a mobile QB but Tannehill averages more yards per rush.


    I never said Fitz is a better runner, I just described what I see in Tannehill. Again, you are using statistics in a misleading way, as Fitzpatrick has been on some terrible teams. Dak Prescott has a higher winning % than Aaron Rodgers, does that mean he is a better qb? The point I was trying to make is Tannehill cannot put on a team on his back; there may be some advanced metrics that quantify this, but conventional stats won't show it. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, GoBills808 said:


    If you're having a hard time with 'statistically superior', how about just 'better' then.


    Tannehill has better stats, across the board, than Fitzpatrick career-wise. Better comp%, better YPA, better YPG, better rating, better TD/INT, better ANY/A. 


    I've been following this debate and felt compelled to chime in. IMO, Fitzpatrick is far more dangerous a qb to face, without question.


    Citing statistics is a misleading way to assess a qb's value; sure, the big ones such as TDs and INTs matter, but completion percentage and yards are not necessarily indicative of a qb's ability to pull out a win. 


    For years, Tannehill's bread and butter was dumping off the ball to Jarvis Landry and relying on his YAC. When it's third and long and a qb dumps off the ball off for a 5 yard gain, it helps his completion percentage and yards, but doesn't get the team any closer to winning the game ( remember Tyrod or post concussion Trent?). 


    I haven't followed Tannehill much beyond Bills games, but I think we all know what we saw out there: a QB with no mobility, and no killer instinct to go for the big play when their team needs one. And without that a QB doesn't stand a chance of sustaining a winning record in the league. Fitz, for all of his flaws, does have that instinct to go for it; sometimes it works out, often it doesn't, but at least you gotta chance with him.


    As a Bills fan, I will sincerely miss seeing Tannehill on the schedule twice a year 

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  3. I understand the bad taste his rookie year left in the mouths of fans, but he caught more than half of Josh Allen's touchdown passes last year. I think he cannot be accurately assessed until we see this offense form an identity and demonstrate some consistency as a whole. Im hopeful 

  4. I hardly ever post on this board, but I'm on here all the time. It's a great way to pass the time during commute to and from work, and despite the backlash that comes from many of the posters regarding controversial issues (QB play, coaching, front office), I usually find merit in most of the perspectives on the board. As the season is now officially over, I thought I'd give my two cents on  perhaps the most controversial topic on the board: McBeane. I've heard from both sides since the era began, those being the "It's a rebuild!" side and the "Fire the incompetent j@ck@sses!" side. Here is my brief estimation of each:


    The former camp's take is valid when looking at the Bills, and other NFL franchises from a historical perspective. Successful franchises typically find a good coach and stick with them (Belicheck, Sean Payton, Pete Carroll, Mike Tomlin, etc.), and perhaps these coaches needed time to establish their culture and implement their playbook in order to attain their success (a more diligent member of TSW can look in to their respective histories). With this in mind, the more patient Bills fans are willing to give this front office and coaching staff time to get the players they want, install their playbook, and achieve some level of continuity with both, as opposed to the carousel of coaches (esp. offensive coordinators) we have witnessed the past 10 years. How much can we really expect from this roster? Burdened by a terrible cap situation, we were left with a rookie QB from a small school who was expected to be a project, An o-line made up of journeymen and low draft picks, a receiving corps that has had little success gaining separation and holding on to the ball when they do, and a defense led by two great, but very old players. At this stage of "the process", we can't be certain of what we really have.


    Yet the Bills historically long period of mediocrity has worn much of the fanbase's patience thin. For these fans, the glaring issues arise: What's with all the penalties? Why drop 50m on Star, when he has appeared serviceable at best? Why did they even consider bringing in Tolbert last year, and trading a 3rd for Benjamin this year? And what about all of McDermott's in-game management gaffes? These issues are definitely worthy of our consternation, and though we can chalk them up to the learning curves of both McDermott and Beane, they are mistakes nonetheless. What has been most discouraging, I think, is the 4-5 games both this season and last in which the Bills looked terrible... Like, literally the worst team in the league. I don't know what causes these duds, and they seem to plague most NFL teams with the exception of the elite ones, but it is hard to watch. The Ravens, Chargers, Packers, and Bears games this year, and the losing streak last year which culminated in Peterman's heroics in LA come to mind. These games all have mitigating circumstances, but they all occurred during the McBeane era. One thing is certain: good teams never show up looking like that.


    I watched this season with mild expectations, and do hold a lot of optimism for the 2019 season. We have, for the first time in God knows how long, A qb that really looks like he can lead a team and not just keep it afloat. We also have a massive amount of cap space and 10 picks in the upcoming draft, so there is a lot of potential to grow. I'm still not sold on McBeane, nor am I ready to chuck 'em, but I guess the whole point of this post is to voice my understanding of both camps, and to allow the rest of TSW to chime in with their views on all things McBeane



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  5. I think trading for Benjamin was Beane's worst decision to date, not remotely close to worth a 3rd and 7th. He knew exactly what he was getting, having spent years in Carolina with him. He has the size, and has made some great catches in his career, but I noticed little red flags here and there with him. I may be nitpicking, but when he trashed Cam and then jumped into the crowd after scoring a touchdown in a PRESEASON game, I thought he made a fool of himself. Then, After having a terrible game against the Ravens, he said he felt like he was doing fine, and something along the lines of "of course I'm a #1 receiver, why wouldn't I be?", as if this is something that is presupposed and not earned and retained through productivity. He's complacent, and the greats never are. I will be severely disappointed if the Bills resign him, unless it is for a very low price


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  6. 42 minutes ago, EricMoulds80 said:

    I love that forums like this give everyone the chance to be an internet gangsta.  Stay strong with being !@#$s dudes.  


    look man, I know the backlash is harsh, but you should show some more effort than "so an so is a bust". You gave no effort to explain yourself, and someone else posted literally the exact same sentiment about two days ago... Just for future reference, this is kinda annoying to see (and yes, I am fully aware that we all can and probably should ignore posts we find irritating)

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  7. On Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 1:55 AM, RyanC883 said:


    If you are at work, your employer has the right to control your behavior, publicly funded space or not.  Public funding has nothing to do with it.  It's simply not a Constitutional Right to kneel during an NFL game.  period.  


    Employer policy also does not implicate Constitutional Rights.  If an employer wants to fire you for it, the employer has every right to do so.  An employer could also say, "I hate that shirt, your fired," despite not having a policy against shirts your boss does not like.    


    I think Hyde has some experience at CB?   


    I think you're missing the point. The specifics of what rights an employer has and where they exercise them is not the issue. The issue is the capricious nature of what they tolerate and what they chastise. A slap on the wrist for criminal behavior but a simple gesture in the name of a tragic phenomenon in our society can end your career. The NFL is beholden to its owners, and will minimize any loss of revenue, whether that means turning a blind eye to the vices of talented players, or blackballing those with views that some fans find objectionable.

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  8. Inigo is free to post whatever he likes, it goes without saying. Just as everyone else is well within their right to comment on how worthless his post is. Essentially this post is saying nothing more than "the bills are really bad, and other teams think so too". I mean, how about some insight? Some commentary that warrants our attention? On one hand, I don't want to come down too hard on anyone's post, but on the other, I think the harsh responses serve as a deterrent for others to post whatever inane thought pops into their head....


    I know, one can only hope....

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  9. 1 hour ago, baskingridgebillsfan said:


    they could have drafted a qb with thier original pick in 2017. Instead they wait a year and spent a ton of capable to get a qb.  Dismissing what will be at best a 4-12 year is folly .  Spending their limited funds on defense instead of helping out thier young qb is very questionable.   


    Do you honestly think Mahomes would be playing as well as he has if he were drafted by the Bills? Also, you haven't acknowledged the fact that they brought the team to the playoffs while simultaneously beginning a massive overhaul of their roster. And do you sincerely think Beane has already proven to be worse than Whaley? A GM who traded two firsts to go and get a WR in what was probably the most stacked WR class in a decade? He missed out on Mack after trading up, and could have gotten Odell Beckham,  Aaron Donald, or Anthony Barr if he just stayed put.... 


    Have you heard Rob Ryan's interview earlier this year when he said his experience with the Bills was the worst managed situation he's ever been a part of? Or how about Doug Marrone having the same impression while he was here?


    Just because things look grim right now doesn't mean it compares to the years and years of abhorrent to mediocre play this team has displayed on the field. Despite the clear gaffes of McBeane (bringing in Tolbert and Benjamin, overpaying Star, not holding on to E.J. Gaines or Robert Woods being among the worst), they have actually talked about a strategy. Beane has stated repeatedly he believes you start by building through the middle of the team, and his investments in Allen, Phillips, and Edmunds reflect this strategy.


    They've made mistakes, absolutely. But I myself am happy to have a GM that actually has a vision. For the decade before Beane, the Bills have drafted terribly in the first round, overpaid FA talent, and created a patchwork of players that they hoped, by chance, would form into something cohesive. I had no idea what exactly they were trying to do, which I don't think can be said about this current regime

  10. These posts are incredibly stupid. There have been suspect free agency aqcuisitions, but this regime has


    1.) Went for and got a legit elite QB prospect (of course opinions vary on this, but many scouts touted him as having the highest ceiling in the draft), which most of the fanbase has been begging for over the last 20 years


    2.) Made it to the playoffs for the first time in 18 years.


    It is also notable that they have drafted what looks to be a great young CB, DT, and LB. It is too early to know what we have in Phillips and Edmunds, but they both look like they have a lot of potential. 


    Honestly, I question how long you have been a Bills fan. You should know about the cap situation and the shedding of the Whaley's suspect picks and factor this into the current state of the team. I haven't agreed with everything they've done, and yes the product on the field has looked abysmal for much of the first two games, but have a little perspective before posting such hyperbolic nonsense

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  11. 12 minutes ago, Peter said:

    I have not read the previous 8 pages of posts, but I cannot help but feel sorry for the guy.


    I think of someone like Philip Seymour Hoffman who had so much talent and a beautiful family, but yet, the pull of something that he had not done in so long was too much for him and his life (and those of people around him) was ruined.


    Hmm, Philip Seymour Hoffman (Rochester native btw) had an accomplished, prolific career for over 20 years.. But I see what you're saying;  there are about 50 famous musicians who fall into this category, and as it was for Hoffman, heroine is usually the vice that causes it.

  12. I know it's tempting to devour ANY media Bills related (I am guilty of doing so myself), but the stuff on NFL Network and ESPN is really a waste of time. I would say more than half of the active posters on this site know exponentially more about the Bills than any of them. And it's not just about knowing the roster and past performances; the level of insight on those networks is laughable. I swear to God, if we never heard one of these phrases again in my life, our lives would be better for it:


    He's a dynamic playmaker

    He's got swag (THE WORST)

    He finds a way to win football games

    He's a competitor

    He's an athletic freak


    This is what those programs call analysis. If you really want to stay informed, stick with this board, buffalorumblings, and cover1 on youtube...


    I'm sure there are other sources I'm not familiar with, but the point is just stay away from the garbage on national TV 



  13. 10 minutes ago, Fadingpain said:

    There is no end to the number of ways Bills fans will try to rationalize the fact that we have a below average football team.


    They earn an "A" for effort and really do deserve much better than they have received in most years. 




    you missed the point of the post. I don't think they are going to the Superbowl this year, and at this point even making the playoffs may be a reach. But they are not the worst team in the league, as many analysts in the national media are projecting. Teams unravel when things get tough, you see it every year. I think the coaching and the culture in the building make that far less likely, and this alone makes up for a great deal. The talent disparity in football is less of a factor than other team sports because coherence and preparation are so critical. I didn't stake any claims regarding the talent level of the team. just the coaching and the propensity for this team to play together. Read a little more closely next time


    10 minutes ago, Fadingpain said:






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