Injury settlements are often requested by the player's agent. In any event, it seems like Wang's agent should have let him know. The releases of Smith, Thomas and Reed were a different animal. No need to inform the agent and could have been unilaterally by the team. I also think those players were owed more.
The Jets weren't respecting the Bills going into this game. The Bills had an opportunity to prove them wrong. They didn't. They have another chance to prove them wrong in three weeks.
In that case, then Charlotte, Indianapolis and Jacksonville should be at risk of losing their NFL teams as well. Hello Orlando, San Antonio and San Bernardino!
I can understand going with a traditional bank when looking for a checking account, but I would strongly encourage you to use an online savings account instead of a savings account with such bank. The increase in return you can get from an online savings account can be substantial even considering the overall low rates that currently exist.
Works for me. Sorry... search for @paulpeck4.
Actual quote isn't as promising in my opinion:
Additional quotes.
Good thing: Goodell doesn't seem to think that a new stadium is a requirement anymore. Before, he has indicated to the contrary.
I love how no one seems to be objecting to the fact that the NFL is actively encouraging a team to relocate by supporting this whole enterprise. Why can't they expand again?