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Arkady Renko

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Everything posted by Arkady Renko

  1. Big Lebowski
  2. Haha, nice. Yep. Arnold says when a half-made clone of his nemesis falls on top of the original. It is funny in an unintential way I think.
  3. I'd hope that wasn't your only reason as that's not a precondition for organized religion.
  4. When I told you to go screw yourself I didn't mean for you to take it literally.
  5. I don't feel bad for them and I don't fault them for taking less money. I would love if players on the Bills did the same as a Bills fan. At the same time, I am not going to hate someone for going to another team for more money though. I don't think it's necessarily just greed we are talking about here. If status didn't play a role than why would these players sign contracts with high dollar figures they won't realize a couple years down the road except for status? It's not like the players are taking money from starving children here, they are taking it from billionaire owners.
  6. Would I take the money that they make over what I make now? Yes, in a heartbeat, but I cannot say that I once I got there that I would like others of lesser talent making more. If it's so easy not to be a greedy **** why are so many players acting in this way? It's natural to want to keep on improving your station no matter how rich you are.
  7. I don't know, I think in football there's much more reason to try go with the big bucks. Your career is always tenuous due to injury and anyone once they make a certain amount of money wants to make more.
  8. The iPod has a certain amount of buffering or shock protection I believe. At least whatever it has, I have never had a problem with skipping unless you count accidently hitting a button when HOLD isn't on.
  9. Software is becoming less and less of a problem. Obviously there is more PC sotfware but OS X makes development pretty easy and what I want is available. Go to http://versiontracker.com and look at the Mac OS X software and you will see what I mean. In the sense of building your own Mac, yeah it is much easier to do so on a PC. The G5s are pretty constumizable however. If you are interested in building a Mac, it isn't impossible. See here: http://www.macopz.com/buildamac/
  10. Bought a GameCube off of my sister when she moved to Japan. It's good if you aren't too serious about playing and just want something to entertain folks for awhile. That's how I use it at least.
  11. Any Kelly Clarkson votes yet?
  12. Peeshaw, I am 22, almost 23 now and I used to be on this board back when the DandC went down. Left for awhile in btw though.
  13. I am a 98 y/o transexual Antartican native.
  14. I liked Trump's new impression of Mortimer Duke.
  15. What are you talking about, we have always done well in the second round. Bucky Brooks still has tremendous upside.
  16. Holy, holy, crap. Now I want to keep him on the team!
  17. Where are the stakeholders? I need to discuss this with the stakeholders!
  18. This is not an issue of product liability in my eyes. It was not like the buyer was unaware that alcohol has the potential to make him drunk. Whatever the law says, all of the consequences were his fault alone morally when he began to drink that first drink. Also, last time I checked, beer producers or vendors never tried to claim that they their products don't get people drunk. Companies aren't or at least shouldn't be liable when the risks of a product are known ahead of time.
  19. Drawn-to-Boys, hahaha, what an appropriate name for this thread. Is Millbank Canadian or something?
  20. Dude, Travis Brown does not suck. The guy has played pretty well in his limited action at QB. It's those damn injuries holding my man back!
  21. What's with the sudden hatred towards T-Bone? Did I miss something?
  22. This just in... Sources tell me that George Seifert is going to be tabbed to replace Gregg Williams in Buffalo.
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