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Arkady Renko

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Everything posted by Arkady Renko

  1. He has lost 4 at home. 1 against San Diego, 1 against Denver and 2 against New England.
  2. Oh, T-Bone is a Patriots fan? Now I get it. Falcons by 10 Patriots by 4
  3. I'm trying to find anything that actually addresses what was said in the post and can only find ad hominem attacks. Maybe I'm just too stupid to understand it. If so, I apologize.
  4. Hey if the Raiders don't want him, that's not a big loss. All the Bills need are two needs wanting him enough to outbid each other in another to get the compensation up...
  5. Just curious. As for me, growing up in central NY, I kind of was in that when I was really little I thought that the New York Giants somehow represented all of New York State and didn't know what the hell Buffalo was. Thankfully in time I realized that Buffalo was the only true New York team and one that represented more where I was from. Was able to be a full-fledged Bills fan at 8 and just in time to see them lose to those same Giants in Super Bowl XXV.
  6. Well if I was running the NHL, I would keep 'em. Part of the mess comes from all of these lame southern teams. The NHL should back to being regional, it makes more sense and it is more stable that way.
  7. All right, dude, you caught me. You see, I got this roommate I live with and he never leaves the apartment and the walls are paper thin so I hide out in your dryer and you know, get my daily happy time. And dude, I don't economize when it comes to the end. There is tons to clean up. Thankfully I can always snag a sock or two from your load to clean up, my er load. I just keep it afterwards, I figure you don't want it.
  8. A large college and a state legislature usually attract liberals to a town.... What usually has happened in smallish college towns is that the city was usually somewhat conservative and then the 60s-70s activism happened and the students started sticking around after either graduating or droping out. They can't let go of college so they stay in the town where they went, refusing to move on. Eventually you reach critical mass and more and more leftist folks move in and the entire landscape has changed.
  9. The last stand of Marxism...
  10. So many! A few come to mind: 1. Time Management Assistant Coach for Herman Edwards 2. Senator with a such a safe seat that I can be drunk all the time and never do anything. 3. The ball boy who takes care of the special kicking balls.
  11. I like the upset too. I actually think the road teams will win in both, when was the last time that's happened? I think it did in '92 when the Bills beat Miami on the road and Dallas did the same in San Francisco. I figure it may have later on, but can't remember.
  12. Also, didn't Moulds take a few years to develop... you never know.
  13. So those high points, you don't get anything out of them? I had heard that some became very creative during them.
  14. Cancers don't show their true selves until the team starts to struggle. It's easy for everyone to be part of the program when you are winning division titles. I think TO and Dillon had bad attitudes previously. Moss can at times be lazy in addition.
  15. Leaf?? Couch?? The bigger bust was Akili Smith. Wasn't he picked 3rd behind McNabb and Couch?
  16. Why? I don't think he's worth more than Moulds and Henry and we would take a cap hit for Moulds while gaining a large salary for Moss. Additionally, Moss is a Lee Evans type of receiver. We need short-range receivers to have a good, balanced offense. Moss doesn't make sense at all.
  17. In all this movement to get Ralph Wilson into the HOF have people considered writing to Hall of Fame voters. Peter King and Dr. Z for example all take emails on their online editorials. I am sure others do as well. Maybe people can get these voters at least to start discussing his merits. Just a thought...
  18. Seems like it would be great except for the first part.
  19. Besides, the only reason why students got summers off in the first place was to go help on the farm. I doubt he would like going back to those days.
  20. My AP History and English classes made me do reading over the summers and I was still working full-time at the PandC, it really wasn't that hard to do both.
  21. The Last Boy Scout.. good times. The opening scene of the movie was so pointless to the plot, but priceless.
  22. Wis. Student Sues to End Summer Homework: http://apnews.myway.com//article/20050121/D87OIAHG1.html
  23. Yessiree.. your turn
  24. Yo, homie. Is that my briefcase?
  25. High Noon?
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