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Arkady Renko

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Everything posted by Arkady Renko

  1. The movie's ending has not been hidden well at all. There is a controversy about the ending and it has come up in unexpected articles thus already spoiling it for me. I still will want to see it eventually anyway, but I am putting it off more now.
  2. I agree. We are a leg injury on a kickoff return away from potentially bringing us back to the Chris Watson nickelback days.
  3. So are you disagreeing with me or agreeing with me? I am sorry if I made the wrong assumption.
  4. Not really comparable since Niagara Falls was already a tourist destination. People don't usually come from miles to tour the Kodak factory.
  5. Is the OL really in shambles? We ran well and even Bledsoe stopped getting sack very often. We need to make sure we do not have a dropoff without JJ and also tweak it slightly, but it is better than it has been in awhile.
  6. Bringing in casinos often just hastens a city's decline IMO. Besides the social costs, there is just diminishing returns on them nowadays. There are just too many other opportunities to gamble elsewhere that I doubt a casino would bring in many tourists. So you basically just attract the people from the Rochester area, essentially praying on your own citizens. Now if more casinos in this state would mean that we got rid of the lottery I would be all for it.
  7. It is true that many on the outside overrate Bledsoe's role in the Bills success but we also have the habit of underestimating his positive effect on some wins. Also, the whole first eight games were his only good games is a bit of an over simplification. He had some flashes in scattered games over his three years here that sometimes gave us some hope. The problem wasn't so much that he was always terrible most of his time, it was his inconsistency, especially in big games.
  8. Didn't he often get benched for Major Applewhite during his career? Maybe my memory is getting hazy...
  9. Gruden's argument isn't out of left field, but I think he's oversimplifying the situation. It’s great in theory to go with the whole best player gets to play philosophy and not hand a position to anyone but it often doesn’t work out well in real life. Because the QB position affects so much of the offensive philosophy and team chemistry you can’t keep on changing it for the flavor of the month. You have to have consistency or you might end up losing your team or your job, just look at Wade “Never Have Losing Seasons” Philips.
  10. What exactly did Penn say about Jude Law? I missed that part. Only saw Rock make the random comment that he didn't want Penn to be his accountant or something. Rock hit some funny lines, but I wasn't that impressed with his monologue. It was a little too much playing to the crowd in the theater outside of his awkward swipes at some of the actors.
  11. Van Pelt made the most out of questionable physical talent and he supplanted both Todd Collins and Rob Johnson as starter at times during his career. So he did get a sniff of the field. He also was one of our best recent backups at keeping the team in the game when the starter went down to injury or poor play. Do you remember the 97 game against Denver when he caused an amazing fourth comeback against the eventual Super Bowl champs in a 6-10 season? How about his TD drive as part of a comeback in the postseason of 95 against the Steelers while Kelly was in the locker room? I am not sure I understand a Bills fan trashing him as a player. Doughboy was one of the best team players we have had for awhile.
  12. I haven't bought jerseys lately since I only end up wearing them for games and players just move around way too much to make the investment in their jersey. I got a Kelly jersey when I was in middle school from my folks and I got a Johnson jersey in Christmas 2000 from my girlfriend when I was taking the RJ side (how I regret that) during the infamous QB debate. She now wears the one for sleeping. Oh well, at least it's getting some use out of it. I really admire the guy I saw a game at the Meadowlands, during a Bills/Jets contest in December 2001, who had fashioned a Van Pelt jersey out of masking tape. Especially since I didn't have the balls to wear my Bills gear to that game.... (I ended up coming out of the fan closet as the game went on, I couldn't hide it for very long.)
  13. Weblinks that don't work?
  14. You know, after some thought, I think this guy is a whiner. He should feel flattered that a woman went to all this trouble to have his child. I mean, we should all be this lucky.
  15. I had a feeling I was going to get burned for that post...
  16. 4 times to the NFL semifinals or NFC Championship.
  17. What's worse is that when a man thinks that his wife's children are his and then finds out otherwise, he still is on the hook for child support even if the biological father is known.
  18. I caught the end of the Mike and Mike show this morning and they said they had had PW on the show. Did anyone catch this? If they did, what did he say?
  19. It's fine for him to only offer fair market value, but he should keep the channels open with the agents and the player so that the player knows that he wants them. Their asking price is going to go down, but if they don't feel wanted in Buffalo they will move on to somewhere else with that lower price.
  20. Yeah we shouldn't be signing these folks for that much per year, but I don't get why TD isn't at least making an effort to keep the channels of communication open. Both the agents act like they haven't even been able to talk to TD. Instead, he's taking the negotiations to the media. Not a smart move in my opinion and it may hurt the Bills when their asking price goes down.
  21. I think both parties are better off. I hope I am right too...
  22. Can Shane Matthews haters like myself still talk?
  23. Most people aren't saying that they shouldn't be changing QBs just that people are exaggerating his shortcomings.
  24. I don't need to call Stewart names, he just sucks. I haven't seen any evidence to suggest otherwise.
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