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Arkady Renko

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Everything posted by Arkady Renko

  1. If that's the case, I don't think this is going to happen. It seems like owners are much happier to sell if this firm would be taking away the risk of continued labor strife.
  2. How much did he pay for it originally?
  3. Sorry if someone mentioned this before, but it seems just a way for the owners to put pressure on the players. You don't like a salary cap? What do you think of having no bidding up of your services? Sign the deal, or else...
  4. This firm just needs to get government involved and say that it is part of urban renewal or something and force all the owners to sell their teams below market price.
  5. 2 Questions: Guest Access is back on? Did Intel and Enron merge?
  6. Yeah being our trackrecord on the national stage and since I will almost certainly be on the east coast next year, I agree.
  7. It's funny that the no matter how crappy the Cowboys or Bears are they are the year before they find themselves on MNF b/c of their popularity. And ABC wonders why their games suck late in the year...
  8. Man I really hope they don't cut Dorenbos. That guy has had a hard life.
  9. They already do this in the MLS (have one single owner). I don't follow it. How does it seem to work there?
  10. Is being a RT so different from being an LT just because the LT is usually covering the blindside and thus will have to be better and block better rushers or does being on either side often feel so different that it is difficult to adjust? If much of the issue is just that it is difficult to adjust to different sides it seems like there would be some cost-savings in having a left-handed QB in that RTs are significantly cheaper than LTs.
  11. It's just really hard to judge offensive linemen ourselves unless we have seen a tape or are trying to extrapolate based on the performance of the team's line in general. We pretty much have to go on what is said in the media.
  12. Teague was originally signed to be LT, wasn't he?
  13. But they usually had Marcus Price to tap. It would be nice to retain his services at a low price...
  14. Quick, put money on the Cardinals before the odds change!
  15. Was there any offer still on the table for PW? It sounded like Tom Donahoe hadn't even bothered. I do remember that a lot of big name defensive players continually left the Steelers while Donahoe was there and they hardly ever missed a beat.
  16. Worshipping Tom Donahoe is 86ed. Is worshipping Hollywood Donahoe okay?
  17. Thanks for your contribution. But by the way, the standard and basic way of restructuring is to covert salary to bonus but it is often far from the only way. Sometimes players take straight paycuts, sometimes players move actual salary to later years as well as put things like roster bonuses in their contracts for later years. This and initial contract neogotiations is precisely why there are often so many huge cap numbers for players in later years that can be saved by cutting them. This wouldn't be the case if it was pure bonus because otherwise, cutting wouldn't really save any money.
  18. My understanding was that he did not receive much upfront money in the form of a signing bonus in his 2004 restructuring. He was only paid 760K in salary and in this coming season he was going to make 2.5 million in salary with a 2.5 roster bonus. Can you provide the details of this restructuring prior to 2004? If it was all about converting salary into upfront money it seems that there should not have been this much savings on the table to cut.
  19. I loved playing with Bledsoe I think in Madden 2005 and making Madden say something about how much better a thrower Bledsoe was when he move around outside of the pocket.
  20. Are we ignoring the fact that Troy Brown restructured the year before? He deferred all this salary with the idea that he would be paid this year.
  21. Sorry, I hadn't looked deeply into the cap hit if he was cut, I retract my statement. If it was mainly pure salary, then I think my statement stands.
  22. That's irrelevant to what I said. If any other player on the team with similar talent and the same position had this contract and he wasn't drafted by the Bills so early, he would have been cut. What other RTs who are not protecting left-handed QBs make this kind of money?
  23. I think Mike Williams would have been cut last week if it wasn't for him being a top 5 pick.
  24. It IS interesting that the Patriots show no loyalty to players but players show so much loyalty to them. They only care about the marginal benefit of each player. What have you done for me lately indeed.
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