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Arkady Renko

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Everything posted by Arkady Renko

  1. Wouldn't it be awesome if the Stadium Wall was split into two different ones. I would call one "The Stadium Wall Smackdown" and the other "The Stadium Wall is War". And then like we would have a draft and stuff and trades for posters. We would then get together for select events throughout the year!?
  2. I am not sure whether I would be more pissed if they moved somewhere and kept the same name or if they moved and completely changed their name (more likely). With the former, at least some people might remember the old team and its location, with the latter, people wouldn't consider them the same team.
  3. http://apnews.myway.com//article/20050309/D88NMF2G1.html
  4. Why does society demand that a man cannot be in love with more than one starting QB? It is only natural to want to love more than one QB at a time.
  5. When are they going to add the Shane Matthews lovers board for people like me?
  6. Only if they stayed in upstate NY. Seriously, why would people even consider rooting for them otherwise? If they moved even an inch over the border into Canada, I am done as a fan.
  7. Never say never. What if Losman throws 10 INTs and 50 yards a game?
  8. I just want to be clear. Buffalobart and Bart in ND are two different people?
  9. And even if you bought a ticket for $500 and it is going for $2000 you are still in effect spending $2000 because you are forgoing the $2000 you could have by selling the ticket by keeping it and going to the game.
  10. I think the problem is less the scalping and more the unequal initial access.
  11. I also think we are ignoring the real problem here of the networks giving away tickets to celebrities, especially Fox to promote their shows or just to show some dumbass actor because apparently the actual game isn't exciting enough...
  12. Maybe you aren't, but the topic began with discussing the story of the NFL going after Mike Tice for scalping tickets.
  13. You are on to something we you say that bad economics and bad ethics are two different things. That's correct. I expect that my fellow man will not exploit someone else's need for water, food or whatever. Just like I expect my fellow man to in general help someone out when they can. These instances are limited and I don't think you can compare this extreme to Super Bowl tickets as they are tickets for entertainment, not something crucial to someone's survival. As much as I love the Bills and football....
  14. Bad ethics? Scalpers aren't jacking up the price of water to people dying of thirst. They are selling tickets to an entertainment event. The tickets already cost hundreds of dollars, pricing most people out of going to the game already. If the NFL really cared about the low-income fans they wouldn't be charging 500 a ticket to begin with and they would have the championship game at one of the team's home stadium like they did before the Super Bowl came about.
  15. I said nothing about what I think should Super Bowl tickets should cost, only that trying to restrict scalping is the wrong way to address the affordability of tickets. And it isn't my logic that supports it, it's basic economics. I don't know if the Stadium Wall is the best way to teach my first Econ 101 class.
  16. I didn't say you were attacking me, I said you were attacking what I said. I don't care if you attack what I say, just there was a different post by you previously. So you either removed it or edited. Either way, I don't care that much.
  17. The free market does not just include the first purchase of a good/service but also any subsequent reselling of that product. The definition of a free market is that it is unfettered. By definition of the idea of a free market, laws against scalping are impeding it. In fact laws against scalping make the problem even worse as the risk of being caught selling the ticket is factored into the price that a scalper sells the ticket for, raising the price of the ticket even higher.
  18. This is the line of thinking that causes rent control and any other price controls to be implemented. In any case as laudable as the motivation might be behind such laws, they never work. When there are artificial price controls preventing the free-market from functioning correctly you either have shortages of the product or a black market. You cannot stop it.
  19. Wasn't there some other post attacking what I said by you?
  20. How is ticket scalping any different than buying real estate and selling it for a higher price? Scalping is just the same as any other speculation. I see no problem with it.
  21. Just saw it on CNBC. I agree with most here. Was slow at first but they really did the fight scenes well. I got into it at the end. It was tough seeing the guy who lost. Unlike other reality shows these people are trying to achieve their dreams. People don't usually spend the whole life working to win an Amazing Race or work for Trump. With boxing, it's different. These people worked hard for a shot to be a champ. I do wonder, though, how did they keep all of the audience from revealing the winner of the show already.
  22. Great, Fiedler to the Jets! We might as well start looking ahead to 2006 because we now have no chance to win the AFC East next year. Why couldn't the Bills have been put in the AFC North in the 2002 realignment? At least in the North there aren't any Jay Fiedlers mucking everything up.
  23. Racing Stripes.
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