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Arkady Renko

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Everything posted by Arkady Renko

  1. In season 4, The President doesn't appear to be a negative character. At least he is portrayed to be neutral if anything. Was that the case in season 3? What was the scandal in season 3? Are the previous two seasons worth checking out? I fell behind early on with season 2 so I stopped watching the show until this season.
  2. Gandy and Peters ain't rebuilding enough for you?
  3. Maybe Republicans would feel better about DC Senators if Utah was split into North Utah and South Utah. That would even things out.
  4. I think one representative would be a fair compromise. However, you at least get to have 535 of your own residents in Congress. If DC wants to have reps and senators though, why don't they offer to join back with Maryland?
  5. I saw the first season and didn't really watch again until this season. Could somebody fill me in on the whole presidential election that occurred in the interim? how did the last guy lose?
  6. Aight, cool, cause I was referring to Travis Henry's handling of his benching in Madden 2005, not Madden 2004. I cannot speak to his locker-room presence in 2004. He's been the consummate professional in my '05 season.
  7. Um... was that a dig at me?
  8. Travis Henry doesn't cause any locker-room problems when being benched on Madden, so I don't understand what's going on here. Does not compute.
  9. While I may have sympathy for your points, I have never been a big fan of trying to win an argument by pointing out typos.
  10. They fire coaches in the NBA?
  11. He can make the 40-50 yarders in Madden 2005. I think Rian just needs to practice his accuracy meter. Once he gets the timing right on when to hit A I am sure he'll start nailing those puppies. By the way, his first name bothers me.
  12. You liked Committed? It was one of the few shows I regularly watched recently.
  13. What about Committed? Where's the love for that fine show? It doesn't look to be coming back next year.
  14. I hate Boston College. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
  15. Probably because he's in prison.
  16. It's heart-braking. I just don't get this.
  17. Yeah seriously. Just put a WR or two on your practice squad and put him on the roster when one of your 5 goes down to injury.
  18. Never said Fox News did not have its own slant overall. No network can be without bias.
  19. TGIFridays is what passes for good wings over there? Wow.
  20. It would make sense... I mean, JP-Era sees a player, sounds a player out on the board and Bills fans here weigh in. It's an easy way for the Gray-Haired One to run a potential signing up the flag pole and see if anyone salutes it. Since everyone has been crapping on JP-Era (TD)'s ideas we haven't signed anyone. The Stadium Wall, you only have yourself to blame for this boring off-season. TD is just doing what he thinks you want. XOXXOXOXXO JB
  21. Well I don't think we're going to get anywhere by furthering this discussion. It seems like it comes down to how people weigh different rights and principles when they sometimes come into conflict. I have my opinion about all this and I respect all of yours. It is not an easy issue to resolve, but it looks like it will be resolved towards the opposing viewpoint. Since this is what is going to happen, I hope that that is the right decision. I would rather be wrong than right in that case. I usually try to avoid getting into these sorts of things online as they usually pissing people off and taking more of my time than I would like. Still, I enjoyed this debate and hearing everyone's opinion. I apologize if I ever got personal or nasty; that was not my intent.
  22. In a few days or weeks.
  23. That hardly needs to be the crux of the argument and that is not what I am relying upon. However, that does not seem what's going on here as far as religious conservatives go. They simply believing in perserving life as much as possible, not starving someone to death because "modern technology" is the only thing keeping her alive.
  24. I agree with others on this thread that having her desires in writing could have saved a lot of awful trauma for this family. Hopefully at least some people will think more about this and that amount of good can come out of this bad situation.
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