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Arkady Renko

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Everything posted by Arkady Renko

  1. What other major sport puts its championship game on a neutral field? If it wasn't for the Bills coming out of it, I would say that the AFL-NFL merger hurt the game.
  2. I suppose the money coming from MTA's land sale does? I am not sure exactly how that's run and the land was an asset to begin with and could probably be sold for a high price to someone else anyway.
  3. You ever wonder what happens when an immovable force equals an unstoppable object? Well the immovable force won that battle.
  4. Because the NFL as a whole thinks that this is good for their collective bottom line. Incorrect, I think. It will just give the Jets the best stadium and the best market in the country, furthering the gap between the haves and the have nots. On the other hand, they will perhaps have more leverage when negotiating their own new stadium deals in the future.
  5. Are you asking why didn't more people vote with him or are you asking why did vote against it?
  6. But babyeaters, such as yourself, are treated quite fairly I think.
  7. She will die either Friday or Sunday. The opinion columns will then write themselves.
  8. A PM might be a better way of making your request.
  9. RIP Morty. BuffOrange, thankfully the first Morty is still with us: http://imdb.com/name/nm0116575/
  10. I have a friend who has it and went to school with me. I can tell you how he dealt with it if you want. Send me a PM. I'll warn that he kept a lot of stuff secret from me. We have since drifted a part.
  11. Dude, he reads all of this stuff. He's everywhere, so please do not insult him!!
  12. I am embarassed to say that I never had a chance to go to a Cornell hockey game while being student there. Went when I was younger, though.
  13. I think someone pointed this out earlier. Was it DC Tom?
  14. Why would your boss mind, isn't this just adding to your billable hours?
  15. It would be nice if you could bet on a team getting into the playoffs. There's where I think money could be made.
  16. There were a few UFA kickers out there for a couple weeks, weren't there?
  17. I could better deal with this fact if we actually went for it instead of kicking the figgies. Instead we punt 15 yards. What a waste! My only hope is that a street FA somehow pushes Lindell out in training camp or that Lindell suddenly learns how to control his kicks.
  18. I prefer the nickname "The Gray Wonder" for TD
  19. Did anyone ever play the PrimeTime Football Game endorsed by Deion and for the Sega Genesis? One of the most underrated games of all time. There was a button reserved specifically for trash talk and shoving.
  20. Who's that guy in your avatar?
  21. I also heard that emperors would often fight someone who would have vegence in this world or the next there.
  22. Yes, I think we should expect that Spitzer will be campaigning on tax cuts...
  23. My lawyers will be in touch with you regarding your compliance with the ADA
  24. I have a disorder where I cannot detect sarcasm. In order to accomodate my disability, could you please let me know when you are being sarcastic so that I won't assume you are being serious otherwise? Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
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