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Arkady Renko

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Everything posted by Arkady Renko

  1. I didn't know that statuatory rapists were only found among those with low-IQs.
  2. I apologize if I put words in your mouth. I was less trying to attack what you said and more trying to bring up a point related to what you said.
  3. There seems to be this assumption that the involvement of politicians here was only for partisan gain. Regardless of whether they should have done it, assuming that no one did it out of conviction is dubious. In any event, attacking the intentions of people who are involved with this case, whether they be family members, judges or politicians on either side is probably counterproductive to efforts towards a sincere debate on the topic.
  4. It seemed like the date of her death and this weekend were going to converge. I wasn't saying that it meant anything, only that if it did happen that way, the columnists would have a field day, that is all. I thought Mort Kondrake had a thoughtful article on this as it relates to his own wife's recent death: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/Commentar...3_28_05_MK.html
  5. They already know the benefits of our way of life. Just look at the Arizona border. That may be the case among the majority of opponents of the war, but there are a lot of people, especially from where I am from, that are rooting for American failure in Iraq.
  6. Except that it won't. People are obsessed with banning any food that isn't perfectly healthy, taking all joy out of life. I eat tons of questionable food like this yet I am skinny as a rail. While people have a wide ability to adjust their weight, it is much more difficult for those with slower metabolisms.
  7. Damn, that quake is way too close to Indonesia for them to prepare for it, isn't it?
  8. Nevermind, I guess Japan was the one that noticed it?
  9. What's this I hear about Japan possibly being affected? My sister is living there...
  10. At least it helps prevent the formation of a world government.
  11. Correction: "There was some booing and whistling during 'The Star-Spangled Banner' but the Americans expected worse. After the game, about 100 people gathered for a peaceful celebration near Mexico City's Angel of Independence monument. A few first tried to burn, then trampled a small American flag while chanting "Osama! Osama!" http://soccernet.espn.go.com/report?id=173288&cc=5901
  12. I wonder what sort of chants actually surpasses the Osama ones. Also, the United States already schedules the home games in Colombus often.
  13. The media guide is free? How do you get one?
  14. How's Cambodia doing nowadays?
  15. I read in another version of the AP report that they also burned some American flags inside or outside the arena. At least we have clean water and California and they don't.
  16. I am actually not trying to keep piling on her, but I always thought the name came from babe in the Babe Ruth sense. Not like the slang term for hot lady.
  17. Man, why can't I just have my huge ass tasty sandwich without someone trying to get rid of it.
  18. I am pretty confident that the state is at least partly involved with the MTA because when I was going to work at the State Assembly as a budget analyst, there was someone who specifically worked on MTA issues there interviewing me.
  19. Does this guy ever say anything positive? All of his columns always seem to be about tearing into someone.
  20. From Wikipedia: "In Early Modern English, Good had a meaning of 'holy'."
  21. I have problems detecting sarcasm, could you please let me know if you are being sarcastic or not? You are required to do so under section 10.4 of the American with Disabilities Act.
  22. What advice would you give someone considering moving to Alaska?
  23. What's the deal? Does the MTA selling this land put money back in the state coffers? Why can't the Giants and the Jets both move to this stadium thus getting more bang for the taxpaying buck? It is more reasonable to spend money on a baseball stadium which will host 81 games a year than it is to spend money on a football stadium which will host only 8 games a year.
  24. Maybe he's targeting no one and just wants to get maximum value from the Henry trade. I think, though, that he'll have to lower his demands slightly to get this deal done.
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