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Everything posted by 600cc

  1. Sorry we can't all be savants
  2. Is Coca Cola keeping the south American cocaine industry afloat with its demand for coca plant leaf, a secret flavoring in its cola recipe? And if such is true, do you think Monsanto had a hand in creating roundup ready coca plants? Can't have a War on Drugs that kills your secret ingredient cash crop! http://www.naturalnews.com/032658_Coca-Cola_cocaine.html http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coca
  3. PPP classic bait and switch. Dangle two quasi related topics out and see what tossed salad comes out. You see, I'm a lurker and I have been reading here for a while. It is fun to read and learn and other times just want to DC Tom people. Her question, or my question wasn't really a question at all but a link and a topic JumpStart. Yes that was intentional. I was surprised it took so long for some one to pick up on, but it was quite amusing. We are past the point of no return in many respects... That is why I am glad there are still many such as you, willing to provide valid discussion on items and topics that the rest of the world lets pass them by. Our strong military presence is our protection. What does america need protection from? All the issues that boil on the surface or just beneath. Beneath a media front of freedom of data access, there is so much hidden now- but who is there to care? Us. Feed the world? It is no ones job. Yes there have been significant breakthroughs in science, food management, etc but politics and science do not always mesh well. Where is the line between big brother and watch out for yourself? Where do you step in and say, OK this is enough? Throw in countries with varying viewpoints and making everyone happy and what do you have? A mess!
  4. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/08/130801125704.htm How about we devote Africa to producing the worlds food supply?
  5. Your question is not really a question to atheists, but one of moral foundation- yet simply, why do certain people act the way they do? No, I personally do not believe it is fair or respectful to act in such a manner, but such is life. If you want to bring in religion and faith into it... you can, or you can just leave it out. It is not a race issue, national issue or any other thing to blame. It is a human issue.
  6. I would say, what is this country coming to... but I think we witness it daily...
  7. That may have been my first post, but I have been lurking long enough to know that you should be watching a soccer game! I plan on sticking around
  8. That 2-5 zone would not work in today's NFL because modern tight ends are more athletic and used as a downfield threat, The mismatch created by two extra linebackers would be easily exploited, If the Bills have any hope in running a 2-5 scheme, then they need Troup to man up, Dareus to step up and big things from Branch. The only thing we are weaker at on defense than linebacker is defensive tackles.
  9. And that's why we love dc tom
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