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Everything posted by WhyUsoStupid?

  1. Anyone here actually American? Mostly commies?
  2. I'm sorry, I thought this was America.
  3. And now I get a bunch of classless people commenting on how I carry myself? Anyone hear not an A-hole? I've been reading these forums for years. What's wrong with you people. I complain about cencorship and I'm the bad guy. I called one person stupid. I'm sorry for offending all you fragile people.
  4. And now I get a bunch of classless people commenting on how I carry myself? Anyone hear not an A-hole? I've been reading these forums for years. What's wrong with you people. I complain about cencorship and I'm the bad guy. I called one person stupid. I'm sorry for offending all you fragile people.
  5. Why should I be censored? Comparing Thad to freeman and saying Thad is better apparently means your a genius and I should not question and just shut up. They should censor people with lower I.Q.s if I'm getting censored for their stupidity
  6. I am insulted tremendously. This shmuck censored my first post ever. I've been frequenting this site for a few years. I wrote how a member may or may not be 'stupid'. Also how someone may be attracted sexually to a certain backup quarterback on our roster. Apparently beerball is a homophobe. Thanks for the warm welcome
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