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bill in Livonia

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Everything posted by bill in Livonia

  1. Jeze I hope he isn't comming to Livonia. Most of us never heard the trial. Oh well, at least he's not a sex offender.
  2. Well written Loei but wht so pessamistic? With a few breaks and an act of God we will beat these Bums.
  3. What have you seen in JP on the field (but not in Holcomb) that propels him ahead? What have I seen? I saw a strong arm able to pass deep. I saw thw ability to pass on the run. I saw JP run efectively whit uncustomary speed for a QB. Without experience in games JP will not be able to read defenses and develop pocket presence. GO BILLS!! PLASTER THE PATSIES!!
  4. I miss him
  5. Where the hell are these linemen?
  6. I for one do not want to see a new GM, a new Coach and a whole new syatem here in Buffalo. I don't have to like TD, I don't think Mike Malarky is a total boob. Sure we need some better players in a few places but we will still win some more games this year. We will improve as the season goes on and over the off season. Watching Holcomb play QB you can see why he never took over as number one on any of his previous teams. He is a solid back up, no more. JP Losman is still our QB of the Future and needs more playing time. Don't be too ready to throw him away or change the leadership. He needs to work in the same system for the same bosses. All that being said, we can beat the Pats this week. They are NOT supermen! Everybudy just lighten up. GO BILLS!! PULVERIZE THE PATSIES!!! GIVE BELLYCHUCK A BELLY ACHE!!!
  7. The most imediate need is a defensive tackle such as Pat williams.
  8. Just got a look at this weeks rundown. Top notch article. I think it belongs on the Two Bills Drive home page first and then pinned on the wall after. That way it would get alot more exposeure to fans who read the articles but don't open up yhe stadium wall. With this grade of great reaearch, don't be supprised to see thinly disguised media articles a day later. Way to go Lori
  9. You are a sweetheart. We are lucky to have you to organize such a nice event. GO BILLS! THREE CHEERS FOR AUSSIEW!!! Is there any plan for the San Diego game?
  10. Hummmmmmmmmm?
  11. Loosen up you guys. We are talkin country music here. Who the hell knows what is pure and what's not?
  12. I am sorry I busted your stones at the Miami Game. Your poll is really quite original and creative. You expressed a thought that has been niggling at the back of my beer soaked brain for the last three games. McGee is a genuine playmaker and an all out sort of player. Clements is a more selfish player and does not apear to be willing to sacrafice his body on every play. Peace
  13. I like er I love er I wanna see more of er........Aussiew!
  14. Happy Birthday! See you tomorrow
  15. I think they will play JP as soon as Kelly Holcom gets the slightest nick or injury. They will overstate the seriousness of the injury to bring JP back, and rightfully so. JP is still the QB of the future and Holcom is somewhat limited. GO BILLS! JOLT THE JETS!!
  16. Could be very likely. I like the sound of it. GO BILLS! BEAT THE DAWG ASSED JETS!!
  17. I'll be in lot 1 at pole#6 along with a bunch of TBD'ers. Stop By. GO BILLS! WHIP THE DAWG ASSED JETS!!
  18. Run the %#*^ in Ball!! GO BILLS! DESTROY THE DOLPHINS!! See you Sunday!
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