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bill in Livonia

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Everything posted by bill in Livonia

  1. What ever happened to BF?
  2. We are going to need black magic. How can you find six good linemen in one off season? It will take two years of concentrated drafting and free agent signing. I hope Williams is good enough to play guard. Maybe we moght use Vilarial for one more year but I don't see one other useful O lineman on our roster.
  3. Nope Retired in Patterson.
  4. Concentrate on our Bills. That will keep you from pondering the other misteries of life.
  5. Have you had enough yet?
  6. 2) Moulds, whether or not he is past his prime, IS a professional. I don't really forgive his role in the controversy that led to the suspension, but he really wants to play here, and I thank him for this. So, consider this is a lukewarm endorsement of Eric Moulds. Did you see how "crisp" Moulds ran his routs yesterday? He looked really good. Maybe he should be in trouble every game. GO BILLS! DUMP DONOHOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Geeze Harve, I hope so. Donohoe has been strangely quiet about all this.
  8. Naw, we need you.
  9. Yes TBDers we are surly dooomed. What will happen with New England next week? Ill tell you, The Patsies will get all better by taking advantage of our give up defense. Woe is us....
  10. Run up the score! Intensify the rivalry.
  11. Sack!, Left side breakdown!
  12. Atta boy Men!
  13. BEAT MIAMI AND ALL IS FORGIVEN! (foe second time) DESTROY DOLFAGS! RAVISH RUNNING BACKS!! RUN THE TABLE!! Agh, I was so much fun that I inhaled my coffee.
  14. Joe, What happened? This post was almost cheerful. Glad to see you are taking your meds. No matter what they are still our BILLS.
  15. My wife brought me a case of Spraten Optimator beer from "Beers of the world" store in Henrietta. MAN is that some good stuff. Beer just the way I like it! It is a dark full flavored bach. Zare gut, Ya?
  16. Let Mike play his games. I think he is a better head coach than the last two. If Holcumb. can't practise on Wed., he is not good enough to wait for a "game day decision". GO BILLS! GO LOSMAN!! CRUSH THE CHARGERS!!!
  17. Ummmn... isn't it still against the law to smoke pot? If so that is the big deal!
  18. As always another good game preview. It sounds like we can win this one. GO BILLS! CRUSH THE CHIEFS!!
  19. l would (and Did) wear ordinary casial street wear with a bills shirt and hat. The San Diego fans are mostly decient people and are not agressive twoard others. Hovever they might accidently crush you at the door of the trolley on the way home after the game.
  20. You seem to have a selective memory. The team when tom took over was better than the team is at present. Admittedly we had a serious salry cap problem but Tom has not made many good decisions since he took over. He has demenstrated that he can run a team on the cheap. He has not demenstrated an ability for picking personell either coaching or players. He has demenstrated a propensity for hiring anyone with a past Pittsburgh connection. He had a media reputation as a real pro football General Manager. The past five years have have shown that that "rep" was not accurate. He has spun and BS'ed us for four of the last five years untill we no longer have faith in his veracity. I for one am sick of football on the cheap. I would hate to see another coaching change but I would welcome a General Manager change. I suppose nobody would want a GM job if he had to have the former guys personell. So, that is our conundrum. Donohoe could change his direction and draft better prospects. He could be more active and generous in the free agent market. Do you see that happening?.....................................Hummn me either, Bill GO BILLS!! CRUSH KANSAS CITY!!
  21. As an old Homer I have to say Sara of Livonia. Jennifer of Amherst is very photogenic. they all are great looking kids.
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