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bill in Livonia

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Everything posted by bill in Livonia

  1. Oliver Could it be that New England has beat us and imbarassed us while doing it for the last few years? As for Pittsburgh, other than regional rivalery, I guess it just feels good to detest them. GO BILLS! SMASH THE STEELERS!!
  2. I will diffinitely be there! See you at lot #1, Pole %. GO BILLS!
  3. So you are not ashore for Christmas, bummer. Schrimp and steak sounds good. Merry Christmas
  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ICE! Looking forward to your 2005 posts GO BILLS! SMEAR THE FOURTY NINERS!!
  5. I'll be at pole 5 early for the Steelers Game. Chili and Hot Dogs! GO BILLS!
  6. Our best to everyone for the holiday season! Pat and bill in Livonia
  7. I'll be there if I can scare up a single ticket. Maybe i'll just come for the tailgate.
  8. Un... The D...D.... what J coli said
  9. I like the CHARGED atmosphere. The players interviews show a great attitude. I feel good about tomorrow too. GO BILLS! CRUSH CINCI!!!
  10. SUCKERRR! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  11. We have the defense that can keep the Cinci scoring down. If the Offense can get us at least 21 points, we WIN. The mental attitude appears to be just right at one bills drive now. I say we got this game. The injuries aren't to bad with exception of the tight ends. Maybe Mike Malarky can suit up for three games . GO BILLS!
  12. He looked good against the Browns but I couldn't help comparing him to Willis and Travis. I think they are both better backs from the line of scrimage than him. GO BILLS! BATTER THE BENGLES!!
  13. Glad to hear from you again. When will you come over for the opening day tailgator?
  14. As usual, a day late and a dollar short. Actually quite a few dollars short. I'm beat! GO BILLS! Beat the point spread!
  15. I'm to tired. I arrived home around 11:30 last night. A day late and no sleep for 36 hours. I'll make the next one
  16. A WIN in Miami! What was the point spread on that game? We have beaten the Dolfags twice this year and that makes a secussful season in my opinion. I´m comming home on thurs. When is the next WNYGP meeting? GO BILLS! Beat the BROWNS!
  17. I can swear at you and save you the money.
  18. Thanks Dan! I´ll talk to over a garbage plate at Nicks when I get home.
  19. It sounds like they are using him pretty well as a blocking back.
  20. I´m still in Brazil and just got to a computer. We beat the Jets! After reading the accounts of the game, I have one question, how is Travis reacting to Willis´s sucess? It will be a hoot if the Bills go to New England and kick a$$. I got the dune buggy running and I am spending a lot of time on the beach. GO BILLS!! PULVERIZE THE PATSIES!!
  21. NOPE!! I´ll be back for the playoffs.
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