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Everything posted by Trump_is_Mentally_fit

  1. Biden is fine. Trump is a POS criminal
  2. “In recent weeks, the Saudis conveyed to us – privately and publicly – their intention to reduce oil production, which they knew would increase Russian revenues and blunt the effectiveness of sanctions. That is the wrong direction,” Kirby said. “We presented Saudi Arabia with analysis to show that there was no market basis to cut production targets, and that they could easily wait for the next OPEC meeting to see how things developed.” No crime committed, like with shaking down Ukraine, so if they impeach over this, whatever. It will only help Biden, IMO
  3. So, what would of been the charge? I get they rushed us to war, and so much BS was shoveled out from the WH, but I'm having a hard time thinking of a single chaege that could be levied. Not making a moral argument, but a legal one
  4. I am, pointing out the similarity of arguments. Just a fact Stop pretending. You are just whining and not serious
  5. Ukraine is a sovereign nation, and should be treated as such. You don’t agree, neither does Putin
  6. Ukraine is not punched out. You don’t have any serious solutions just complaints about Biden
  7. Why? Ukraine is a sovereign nation and do what they want
  8. That's not an answer. How do you get Putin to withdraw from Ukraine?
  9. If you guys blow this mid terms it will all be on you guys, No one to blame but yourselves.
  10. Because if you guys lose, it's someone else's fault. The Nazis didn't win in 1932 so they went scorched earth and refused to allow the government to function. Then they said it was all a crisis, and then you know.
  11. The State Department took a step toward open assistance for the Iranian protesters this week, when Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman met with representatives of more than 20 technology companies to explain new rules that help internet communications devices reach Iran without violating sanctions. She told them it was “a moment of opportunity for technology companies to provide people in Iran with essential tools to communicate with each other and the outside world using the Internet.” Bravo to that. Bravo indeed! https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/10/13/iranian-regime-womens-movement-hijab-protest/
  12. Beautiful, and then Trump has his supporters attack them.
  13. No, they were trying to preserve the integrity of the government that Trump was sullying I don't hate the government Well, you support a guy who still thinks he is president, too. So...
  14. Criminals trying to discredit the government. The government they hate
  15. You do hate our government, right? And the saudis saying something? You are kidding right? Will that murderous Prince come in to testify?
  16. This has aged well!!! Idiot!!!
  17. No doubt. He will be impeached just to hurt the country, not just Democrats. You hate our government, right?
  18. Impeaching Trump on both occasions was very much justified Anyone saying otherwise to just blinded by partisan emotion
  19. This is great. Saudis say? Ha ha
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