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Everything posted by Trump_is_Mentally_fit

  1. Lack of health care/insurance makes the poor, poorer I wonder if that lack of health insurance is a contributing factor of opioid crisis in red states
  2. Well duh! Hospitals are not Trump rallies. Fire them!
  3. Please, you guys can't keep law and order in your states at all. The opioid craze is rotting out the core of those states. Law and order my butt Not to mention pill popping nuts running around all through the red states.
  4. Yup, freedom isn't free. Do they want Putin to succeed in creating a failed state at the gateway to Europe? no
  5. You don't know that any better than I do
  6. Ya, they don't know
  7. I just don't know. will young people vote? 🤷‍♂️
  8. Don't hold your breath
  9. Our government is doing a fine job. This is the best government on earth. Get out and work and make a success of yourself and stop being a crybaby that its all the government's fault, or the media's fault. God Bless America 🇺🇸❤️
  10. Don't need the media to see Trump is a POS You are literally trying to take the blame away from the scam artist Trump, for being a scum bag. Just admit it, he's pure scum. Do you think Trump U was a scam? You can't answer that
  11. Good So no we are not helping them because of that Yeltsin era agreement. We are just doing it because its the right thing to do. Thanks You could of just agreed with me and saved time
  12. He is not very far at all from being main stream right wing https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2018/10/28/analyzing-terrorists-social-media-manifesto-pittsburgh-synagogue-shooters-posts-gabBut Bowers targeted Tree of Life because of a deeper conspiratorial worldview that cast Jews as the most urgent threat to the white race. In his last Gab post and several others, as well as in his statements to authorities after being apprehended, it’s clear Bowers adheres to the antisemitic conspiracy called “white genocide.” White genocide holds that forces — principally Jewish, often coded as “globalist” — are pursuing policies seeking to destroy the “white race” in their “traditional homelands” like Europe and the United States through the deliberate importation of non-white people. This is what the torch-bearing white supremacists who marched on the campus of the University of Virginia meant when they chanted “Jews will not replace us.”
  13. Hey, I'm not the one who voted for the guy that ran Trump U. Then turned around and said the other side was corrupt. How unbelievable stupid
  14. Wow, only ignorant people would buy what he is selling.
  15. Wow, you gotta go all the way back to 1988? LOL!!!
  16. Yes, explain that. Use Joe Biden's words, please. Never heard him say we had a treaty obligation to supply Ukraine. I thought he made a better argument, like, you know, its just the right thing to do. But don't let me stop you, you just go right ahead and show me I'm wrong.
  17. So it's all a conspiracy between media companies? Loony
  18. https://www.cookpolitical.com/ratings/governor-race-ratings +7 here https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/governor/2022/new-york/
  19. Look, one side lies all the time and blames the media. It's really that simple. Putin lies all the time, just like Trump, and he shut down the media. It's that simple B-Man
  20. Putin clamps down on media. No American media for him or Russia, This is exactly the same sentiment we hear here from the right Updated May 18, 2022 Russia clamped down harder Friday on news and free speech than at any time in President Vladimir V. Putin’s 22 years in power, blocking access to Facebook and major foreign news outlets, and enacting a law to punish anyone spreading “false information” about its Ukraine invasion with up to 15 years in prison. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/04/world/europe/russia-censorship-media-crackdown.html
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