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Everything posted by Trump_is_Mentally_fit

  1. Are the appeasers going to demand we accommodate the dictator?
  2. This is not the first time this has happened
  3. He is a scam artist, ya? I think it's still relevant. His con game has just moved to politics It was a scam, right?
  4. Ya right! Was Trump U nothing more than a scam?
  5. Trump should just open Trump U back up. Look at all the people that still trust him and would sign up for classes!
  6. Because you don't care if he is? Jewish voters do, as do many right minded people
  7. Which is horrible, an antisemite winning is bad enough, but a guy who has basically pledged to ignore the voters in 2024 if his side loses is even worse. The Israeli press has already focused on this clown https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/2022-09-15/ty-article/.premium/far-right-gop-candidate-mastriano-uses-antisemitic-tropes-against-his-jewish-opponent/00000183-416a-d83c-a39b-f56ee8ed0000
  8. The best part of the Dems winning this year would be the howling discontent on the right. Hopefully those younger voters turn out
  9. Scam? How? Not like Trump U? Oh that's, you guys do not accept the fact Trump U was a scam. Much like his political career
  10. Looks like Oklahoma did expand medicaide by voter approval. So hopefully that will help with the problem
  11. I knew there had to be a connection. https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-opioids-obamacare-20160613-snap-story.html
  12. No, many states did not expand medicaid under Obamacare This map shows the states that simply refused to allow their poor citizens to get the expansion. It matches pretty well with the massive drug problem rotting the core out of those red states out https://www.kff.org/medicaid/issue-brief/status-of-state-medicaid-expansion-decisions-interactive-map/
  13. Lack of health care/insurance makes the poor, poorer I wonder if that lack of health insurance is a contributing factor of opioid crisis in red states
  14. Well duh! Hospitals are not Trump rallies. Fire them!
  15. Please, you guys can't keep law and order in your states at all. The opioid craze is rotting out the core of those states. Law and order my butt Not to mention pill popping nuts running around all through the red states.
  16. Yup, freedom isn't free. Do they want Putin to succeed in creating a failed state at the gateway to Europe? no
  17. You don't know that any better than I do
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