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Everything posted by Trump_is_Mentally_fit

  1. You support them? All? Like these guys? https://www.justice.gov/usao-nj/pr/two-orthodox-jewish-rabbis-sentenced-prison-conspiring-kidnap-jewish-husbands-force-them
  2. you saying that that is anti-semitism? Reach much? the dude who shot and murdered his way through the Tree of Life synagogue was all loaded up on Trump conspiracy theories, but I suppose you have found something worse here, huh?
  3. If DeSantis win big tonight he will easily be the front runner. Maybe he can beat Trump, especially if he is under indictment
  4. How will we even know? The media is rigged!
  5. So Republicans not allowing the votes to be counted when they are received is bad, right? That's what you are saying.
  6. The GOP should let the counting begin as soon as possible in Pa, why do they want it delayed?
  7. I'm glad I am not a woman. This dude is insane
  8. The Nazis in 1932 had enough power to destroy German democracy, these slim balls will try the same thing
  9. Polls missed the Dem surge in Kansas for the abortion vote! By like 19 points! Go Dems! Beat the Con Men, make them go back and sell Trump U and Build the Wall scams
  10. Thanks. So you really don't think its a big deal the destruction of democratic norms? You don't care if people just want to sh it on the rules of the voting Same to you.
  11. No he is not. Elections matter. Being able to vote matters. The Trump wing of the party is literally trying to make voting seem unreliable. They are trying to wreck the system. nothing wrong at all from what he said You destroy our faith in elections, you destroy the rule of law And no both sides are not doing it
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