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Everything posted by Trump_is_Mentally_fit

  1. Shapiro wins in Pa, Thank god that fascist POS is beaten
  2. Ya right, you mean wake up. Dems are the party of people with jobs. The GOP old people and “disabled” It’s good being a democracy
  3. It means nothing really, but if people want say it does, there it is
  4. https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-lawyer-alina-habba-issues-stern-warning-to-ron-desantis-on-2024
  5. "We've had a few tabulator issues at a couple locations where the tabulator isn't immediately taking the ballot," Richer said after being asked about two locations with reported issues - Burton Barr Library and Christ Lutheran Church. "Instead it can either be Central count tabulated here, or if that issue can be addressed there, then it can be fed into the tabulator - or voters can go to any of the other 221 voting locations." Lutherans are involved? Oh boy
  6. Best unemployment in 50 years is ruining the country? Cough cough, ha ha
  7. GOP trying to block our brave troops from voting. Shameful! https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/07/wisconsin-military-ballots/
  8. Stock market is up today. That must be a sign of something
  9. The machines Trump's zombies got into (illegally) in Georgia?
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