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Everything posted by Trump_is_Mentally_fit

  1. Not just owning, but glorifying Then take a different class
  2. What part was ranting? Why no specifics?
  3. You wanted out on learning history? 😩
  4. What did you write your essays on?
  5. Tell that to all those rural poor whites who have had WAY MORE opportunities but are yet poor, uneducated, perhaps addicted to opioids, in love with guns because they are low in human capital but want to feel powerful any way they can. Trump is their racial leader Then that explains why you would read junk history and love it so much
  6. Gotta love this white washing of the history! He just skips it! Easily one of biggest changes in American history and it gets skipped. That's racist. The buying of votes garbage is even worse. The Democrats supported the Civil Rights movement and lost the South but gained the support of black people. That's what he left out, on purpose. Just garbage But garbage with a smile! This sounds why more like white people who don't follow white nationalist scum like Trump. Actually, you have nailed it if you put it that way, especially about the fools who follow people like that.
  7. What an incredibly ignorant post. Let's break this garbage down, shall we? Yes, the Democratic Party was the Conservative Party, and thus the racist party. The Party of traitors. Blacks were murdered in the south just for running for office. Murdered by the Conservative Democrats. The republican Party had the Liberals, the people that love liberty and freedom. No. Blacks fled the Conservative south for opportunities in the north, where they were allowed to vote. The urban political machines, supported by Italians, Poles, Germans and Irish, among other immigrant groups, also sought the black vote, but this preceded the Great Depression. Poor people voted Democrat. Republicans were not so Liberal anymore by that time.
  8. If you are completely ignorant, yes.
  9. So do you agree that blacks were better off in the oppression of Jim Crow?
  10. No need to say "both ways." They committed a crime and will now spend decades behind bars
  11. Oh you just want women enslaved as baby makers with no freedom at all!!! 😇
  12. How were they better off? Only a racist would make such an argument, but, you say you are African American? Ok Black people were better off during segregation. That's this guys argument
  13. Nothing to do with the fact they were not allowed to pursue the American Dream for hundreds of years? That really IS the reason Racism did that. That's not a theory, it's a fact
  14. And the stock market popped! In a speech at the Brookings Institution, Fed Chair Jerome H. Powell said the central bank saw some signs that inflation was easing in the costs of goods and housing, but that the tight labor market remained a problem for controlling prices. The Fed has made huge moves to get interest rates high enough to slow the economy. And Powell said it makes sense for officials to “moderate the pace” of those increases as soon as the central bank’s upcoming meeting in mid-December.
  15. Historically it's kind of been a problem. The South's racism brought on the Civil War, Hitler's racism brought on WW2 and historic racism here in America created an impoverished group of people in the wealthiest nation on earth. But none of this means anything to you. I take it you are a bitter white person that couldn't make it in a nation that gave you all the opportunities than anyone with even a bit of ambition would love?
  16. Why black people? Why you saying that? White people kill white people more than any other race. People are usually killed by people they know. And why is the murder rate high in black areas? Racism Poor people always have more crime. Why are blacks poor? Racism. This is pretty simple, blacks have been here in USA longer than most other groups but were enforced into poverty.
  17. Black people being abused by police because they don't believe black lives matter. That's it
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