You are also the guy who said he was an expert on Jefferson, right? And that you knew what his opinion on Biden would be?
Don't be a dirty bird, no one (with a functioning brain) will take you seriously. I sure don't.
No, she would of been dead, pure and simple. She, like Hershel Walker, think using guns against law enforecment is ok and cool
You were complaining we gave an arms salesman back, right?
Billions of deaths coming, right?
What makes an arms salesman so special? Salesmen are a dime a dozen
Yes he says terminate part of the Constitution, like you know, the important part.
Why protect a guy who says terminate the Constitution? Why vote for a fascist?
You have a lot of practice at that.
Terminate the Constitution? You would vote for him again, even though he is on record as wanting to terminate the Constititution
You agree with this?>
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”
D Trump