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Everything posted by Trump_is_Mentally_fit

  1. He isn't embarrassing the country, is moving real legislation to address real problems and he is conducting a foreign policy uniting "our" allies (democratic countries which are friends with the portion of this country into democracy, sorry authoritarian wannabes) and he isn't trying to draw all the attention to himself, refreshing!
  2. Oh no! Let's it politicians to insure us against disaster and have government pay for everything!
  3. Who? Talk about deflection! You voted for that guy, no one, literally no one has voted for Hunter Biden ....or his laptop
  4. Kevin McCarthy’s imperiled speakership bid is threatening to incapacitate Republicans during a crucial planning period, virtually guaranteeing a sluggish start for the new House majority. The GOP leader on Thursday took the unusual step of punting conferencewide races for committee leadership slots until after his speaker election on Jan. 3, a maneuver that could help insulate him from disgruntled members who fall short in those contests and their allies. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/15/mccarthys-ongoing-speaker-battle-paralyzes-house-00074148
  5. This is a funny thread. The GOP literally can't organize the House, but ya, make up crap about the Executive
  6. No, just see things for the way they are. Progressive candidates have lost, moderates are winning. Your old noodle move? Seems like that pic got the old sensations back in you Wacko
  7. And just regular people, too. I can't be the only one who has a person on facebook that constantly posts pictures of themself.
  8. No, Dems are all and all pretty moderate, that's how they win
  9. That's the person he fired, right? Dems are a moderate party
  10. Concern?? How about hope and excitement! I hope the POS gets Ebola and rots to death
  11. Jack Smith is living in someone's deranged brain rent free.
  12. Is he running for the House as a Republican? He would fit right in https://www.barrons.com/news/putin-accuses-un-foreign-media-of-anti-russia-bias-01670428508
  13. Funny thing is Trump actually thinks he is going to be appointed president
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