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Everything posted by Trump_is_Mentally_fit

  1. The annual federal deficit has also fallen, from $3.1 trillion for fiscal 2020 to $1.4 trillion for fiscal 2022.
  2. Why? Because the war is less than a year old? I mean, this seems to be driving you guys nuts that Russia is getting its ass kicked. You know Putin backed Trump, is that what this is all about? Doesn't seem a a hard call, people fighting for freedom
  3. I'm glad the vast majority of people that think about this topic know that opinions like this ^ are just trash A people fighting for their freedom is inspiring to most.
  4. My guess is they have been training on them for months
  5. Damn, got none of them, and Putins army is still in ruins. Nice job, Joe!
  6. That's right, gonna need more for peace. Those against this should be told the money is to kill dark skinned people, them the cup would overflow!
  7. No, it's the right question. Dangerous people with easy access to guns. Most people--not you, you think it's funny--want less gun violence.
  8. Which is a gun question in a gun thread. You got into other issues that are clearly, clearly, outside the scope of the thread.
  9. No, I just posted a story about guns
  10. Pointless questions are a waste of time
  11. What's the point of the question? I guess you just want to deflect from gun murders?
  12. We are. You don't like it? Good! That only makes me happy. I suggest you do a hunger strike, and follow through with it! No slacking!
  13. Did I say that? No. But you said it But a criminal is more likely to be violent with a gun, you can't agree because of political blinders, I know I think you are mentally on the level of a 6th grader
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