So people at the NYtimes get tossed out windows for publishing something a leader does not like?
You are comparing the free press to the garbage spewed by a dictatorship. You really must hate this country and our freedoms if you ar spewing that nonsense
I used to run a dating service for chickens, but I was struggling to make hens meet.
Why do we tell actors to "break a leg?" Because every play has a cast.
What does a pig put on dry skin? Oinkment.
What do you call it when a snowman throws a tantrum? A meltdown.
My uncle named his dogs Timex and Rolex. They're his watch dogs.
Did you hear about the guy whose left side was cut off? He's all right now.
How do you open a banana? With a mon-key.
So you are like the 20 no votes, you just don't care at all if the government functions, works or does anything positive. You'd rather have failure and disfunction.
Same as it ever was...same as it ever was...