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Everything posted by Trump_is_Mentally_fit

  1. Trump cure cancer? Ha ha, that idiot can't even keep track of his own finances, he is a complete, one term loser, disgraced ex-president Yes, Biden should tell them to go someplace else!
  2. So? What do you want him to do, tell the poor, desperate immigrants to go home?
  3. You want to stop.... What are we doing, funding freedom fighters fighting for their democracy, yet you want to STOP the blank check. Putin helped you guys in elections, and we are suppose to ignore that and this STOP the checks Ok Can you at least admit that Putin is a terrorist?
  4. No? It literally says stop giving them weapons (blank check) Why do you guys want to help Putin so much? WTF is it with you people?
  5. What should be done? Well, the wall was a really dumb idea
  6. Sure hope McCarthy isn't really going to cut defense spending like its reported he has agreed to A dangerous world requires a strong US military
  7. Taken together with failed states, easing or corona, they have started north. Trump had people coming to the border, too. So did Reagan, so did LBJ, etc.
  8. Ok, I'll try and explain this to you. If you can't understand let me know and I'll simplify it further Our government has huge influence and can do a lot more than any private citizen, so it's better, if you actually want results (You don't) to have the governmnet involved Transportation and communication improvements have changed a lot, you have not noticed that? That has made a difference world is getting smaller, just like you said
  9. We need a more forceful foreign policy and yes more $$$$ to get some countries in our own back yard back to being livable. We can't have everyone in the world coming, but if their countries are falling apart, they will. I get the GOP will fight tooth and nail against helping other countries, it's like they like the border crisis
  10. You sound evil. They are humans who are suffering but you got all you need. Let them eat cake, sniff
  11. They are fleeing failed states and economic privation. You can't deny that
  12. Yes, we do, actually. If people that are here and don't want to work, lets get real workers in. The American workers, mostly from rural areas, are not working for some reason
  13. You know its not Biden's fault people want to come here. We are short workers as it is
  14. I'm not the one needing a glossary. What you really need is GOP talking points. It is kind of funny how you guys always wait to see what your propagandist will say before saying anything yourselves And that makes everything, literally everything ok Just glad you guys are good at losing
  15. I heard he was talking to Nancy Pelosi on Jan 6!
  16. But you stated you don't think very much about democracy anyway, so, what do you care? We must be as a city upon a hill! The defeated president is with the defeated president in Florida even. But you probably don't even think Jan 6 was bad and Trump had nothing to do with the violence either, correct?
  17. As opposed to the build the wall stupidity? And Mexico will pay for it? 🤣
  18. Will the GOP allow assistance to a country partly under Russian occupation? Or is this the break poor Putin has been waiting for and his murderous terrorism will get a much needed show of obstructivism from GOP leadership?
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