I’ll have to read what actually happened. I commented on it but am not in command of the facts. I just know the basic idea of what happened. Involuntary manslaughter means he created a dangerous situation, that went wrong. Will be interesting to see.
Of course, he will have the best lawyers. $$$ matters, nothing can change that
If that happened, maybe. But teaching about historic racism should be mandatory in history class. I mean how would you leave that out as a major cause of the Civil War ?
No, you were wrong and I busted you on that. Wow, claiming to be a Biblical scholars and then saying something so stupid that this poor nonbeliever could pick it out easily. Even I know the Ten Commandments are old testiment
Option three. If your going to do a job, do it to the finish
Not real cuts!! That’s funny! You really are a clown!
Boy, you really twist like shape shifter.
Not as good as your “Oh the old Testiment rules don’t apply to Christians” garbage you vomited up, but still clown funny
It would be way more if national and on more items.
If my dividend were not taxed, that might be 😊
Holy crap, I bet people would switch from growth stocks to more dividends paying ones, right? Just a guess, but why not?