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Everything posted by Trump_is_Mentally_fit

  1. Traveling on the coasts is just getting stupid slow, maybe this relieves some of that. They already have a plant in Dayton Ohio so it is moving forward
  2. If they did not adjust for bias there would be no women working in orchestras. Just an example of how bias is insidious to the normal process of selecting people for jobs. In 1964, or thereabouts, a major citiy's philharmonics needed a replacement and one of the people trying out was a women. She was really great and when they did a blind test of just the musicians playing their instruments she won hands down. Until they found out she was a women! All the bigoted arguments were then dranw out, women are not strong enough to handle instruments, they can't endure the whole concert, blah blah. After this they made all auditions blind auditions. That's the way it should be.
  3. The media! There are FEWER accidents than human drivers but if an automonous vehicles goes nuts its all over the news. My cousin Bob beats up his wife, drives over an old lady, you don't hear much about it. But if the robot looks the wrong way, news at 11 I am invested in ....wait for it...electric flying taxis! No lie Joby Aviation is the future. https://www.jobyaviation.com/
  4. Todd Inman, a Republican member of the National Transportation Safety Board and a senior transportation official during Trump’s first term, told a small group of industry figures Wednesday that there was now an opportunity to educate Trump’s team and build a fresh case for how autonomous vehicles can boost safety. “We are pulling for you,” Inman said. “So I hope you’re successful.” The Biden administration recently rejected a request that autonomous trucks be allowed to use warning beacons in an emergency, rather than having a person get out and place warning triangles on the road, saying there wasn’t enough evidence that the beacons would be safe enough. The decision by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration makes if far more complicated for the companies to operate without anyone aboard their trucks. Don Burnette, the founder of the autonomous trucking company Kodiak, said the decision was a problem for the industry but one that could readily be resolved as a new team takes over the truck safety agency under Trump and companies ask for a do-over. “We’ll go back and we’ll reapply to the new administration,” Burnette said. “We’ll have conversations about this, so I don’t think this is a huge stumbling block.”
  5. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2025/01/11/autonomous-vehicles-self-driving-musk-trump/ LAS VEGAS — After years of hype and overpromises the message from tech industry leaders on the eve of Donald Trump’s return to the White House was clear this week: The robot drivers have arrived. As tens of thousands of nerds and assorted gearheads gathered to marvel at new technology at the annual CES show, huge billboard screens over the Las Vegas Strip heralded the recent deployment of Zoox’s strange-looking robotaxi — which doesn’t have a steering wheel or any other normal controls — proclaiming, “It’s not a car.” With Trump’s inauguration approaching — and with Tesla chief executive Elon Musk at his side and betting his own company’s future on its robotaxi — the industry’s optimism also extends to Washington. Executives viewed officials in Trump’s first term as friendly. Now, with vehicles on the road carrying paying customers, the executives are excited by the prospect of Republicans using their new power to set standards that will help them expand from a handful of cities to communities across the nation. The Autonomous Vehicle Industry Association, a trade group, this week called for creating common standards, an effort to build public confidence by setting a baseline for safety. It also proposed eliminating safety rules that require steering wheels and pedals in self-driving cars. But while the push to replace human drivers is being sold on the promise that the robots will be far safer, the public remains deeply skeptical that autonomous vehicles can themselves be trusted. High-profile crashes — including a woman dragged by a Cruise autonomous vehicle in San Francisco — along with a string of less serious incidents have shaken faith in the industry as a whole.
  6. You support Ombanacare! Love you B-Man!
  7. No you don't get it, sh..tting all over the Constitution isn't showing it respect. Nazi camp guards shooting inmates because "they were just following orders" or something something! There's a point in there somewhere ...I think
  8. Those poor oil companies, how do they survive on those record profits? It's just awful how mean old Joe Biden forced Big Oil to make more money, boo hoo
  9. Trump is much more insane, unhinged and unconnected to reality. Biden waged war on fossil fuels? How will they ever survive? https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-BIDEN/OIL/lgpdngrgkpo/
  10. Hey, let's dress up Bull Sh it and call it a Constitutional issue! That's a finely dressed POS you got there! Bravo! Just the war on the poor
  11. And now someone is asking the Supreme Court to deny people preventive care. Hurrah! Who are the psycho, unhinged, crazy losers?
  12. So you are into denying this people preventative care, ok. 👏
  13. Is this the kind of garbage this killer was pissed about. I mean the Supreme Court is going to decide if poor people's lives are worth the cost of preventative care, so we will see CNN — The Supreme Court said Friday it will review the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act’s no-cost coverage mandates for certain preventive care services, putting the landmark health care law in front of the justices again just as President-elect Donald Trump – who tried to repeal the law during his first presidency – returns to the White House. While not an existential threat to Obamacare, the case could imperil access Americans have to cost-free preventive treatments and services, including HIV prevention medications, heart statins and various screenings for cancers and other diseases. The cost of some of these preventive services can be substantial, which would deter some people – particularly those with lower incomes – from accessing the care and slow the early detection of potentially deadly illnesses. Related article Supreme Court signals it will uphold ban on TikTok over national security concerns and other takeaways from oral arguments The 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the mandates in question, based on the recommendations of the US Preventive Services Task Force, violated the Appointments Clause of the Constitution because its members are not appointed by the president with Senate confirmation. The 5th Circuit’s ruling was directed at no-cost coverage requirements implemented after Obamacare’s enactment in March 2010.
  14. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2025/01/11/ukraine-north-korean-soldiers-captured-kursk/ KYIV — Ukraine captured two wounded North Korean soldiers from the battlefield in Russia’s Kursk region and transported them to Kyiv for questioning, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on Saturday, marking the first time Ukraine has confirmed detaining North Korean troops since they were deployed late last year. “Two soldiers, though wounded, survived and were transported to Kyiv, where they are now communicating with the Security Service of Ukraine,” Zelensky wrote on Instagram, in a post that included photos of the prisoners. “This was not an easy task: Russian forces and other North Korean military personnel usually execute their wounded to erase any evidence of North Korea’s involvement in the war against Ukraine.” “As with all prisoners of war, these two North Korean soldiers are receiving the necessary medical assistance,” he wrote, adding that he has instructed security officials to grant journalists access to the prisoners. “The world needs to know the truth about what is happening.”
  15. So you only hate them because they broke a law, correct? Come on, almost all the media is silly nonsense
  16. No, it’s the media you absorb
  17. How come you got such a big up your butt about immigrants for? Brave people that took a long hard trip here for a better life. Why pick on them? Cause they are weak and it’s easy?
  18. There was this girl, Martha I think her name was and she use to show pics of her bear bottom on FB. No lie!
  19. You are the one that sounds like a prick. Heck, you are probably pouring oil down the drain right now
  20. You can't just pour oil into the storm drain! JFC, you will pollute the entire region!
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