So they are raising taxes to cut taxes? What are you talking about? Raising taxes on middle class to lower taxes on upper classes?
He is all for the super wealthy, and just sh its on everyone else. Trump U. upscaled to a national scam
This is part of the message from that drunk: "And if we do, I will do all we can to enforce 100% OPSEC”—operations security. “I welcome other thoughts.”"
What *****
Those higher taxes make you smile?
"Liberation Day!" The day after April fools when we get to pay more for consumer goods.
The laugh is on you. Just like those idiots that went to Trump U
So the lie you are trying to spread is that IMB punch cards are being use to track SS?
That's a pretty stupid lie, but you are the one to make really stupid arguments (lies)
The illegal people are supposedly being helped or something so the SSA must be butchered.
Crazy. Where this confidence comes from to do this is puzzling unless they already know the mid terms won't matter.