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Posts posted by Kemp2Warlick

  1. First, both our offensive and defensive schemes are complex, and take time for the players to settle into. The offense improved from years previous, but due to a multitude of factors the defense regressed. Fortunately, defense is what Rex is known for.


    Second, of the 12 playoff teams last year, the average tenure of the HC was 6.33 years and the median was 5 years. 3 second year coaches made the playoffs, but 2 of those 3 teams were in divisions that had no other teams with a winning record (HOU & WAS). If NE has taught us anything this millennium it is that consistency at HC and QB, combined with an established scheme, trumps talent.


    You also bring up his W/L record prior to being hired as if it has any bearing on his current tenure. Lot of factors go into W/L including Coaching, GM, Roster, QB, etc. Rex's record in his time with the Jets was 46-50 (0.479), and in his first year with the Bills their record was 8-8. Belichick's HC record prior to joining the Pats* was 36-44 (0.450) and in his first year with the Pats* their record was 5-11. Am I saying we're going to go 11-5 and win the Super Bowl behind our 6th round QB in year 2 because Rex is Belichick? No, of course not, but I also doubt you would have been looking to run Belichick out of town in his second year. Let's just see how things play out and see if the schemes continue to settle in and expand.


  2. [This is an automated response by Peter]


    The Rex bashing by the Rex Haters is currently being discussed or already has been discussed in multiple other threads.


    Please consider the irony of the usual blow hard suspects complaining that Rex is a blow hard.


    Please also consider using the "search" function -- or better yet "discretion" before going on and on and on and on about how much you do not like Rex.


    Thank you


  3. I do not get this thinking. Not to become rude, much less defend Ryan.

    But don't people grow?

    And change over time. Experience is the best teacher.

    How long has Rex been a HC ?


    Because his pressers still seem a bit over the top does not mean he won't change tact.

    As an old fart, i still am fine tuning myself. My ability to communicate, and my effort to execute.

    If you are looking at long term wins losses ? There is enough parity in the league that so many factor play in to statistical analysis that we as fans can barely cover them all. and hells bells luck is one of them !


    Math suggests he will be steady, but not a good steady. That worries me more then his ability for " stability "


    Give the Man his year to prove it.


  4. Maybe I'm a sucker, but I read this and I get extremely stoked. I don't care. If I'm disappointed later then so be it.


    Plus, I really like these guys as humans. It's not that I'm a fan of bluster in general. But their bluster is so authentic - it's just who they are. It doesn't seem insecure and fearful to me, as bluster often does. Those guys just have the life force gushing through them and it spills out of their mouths in hilarious, often a-grammatical, ways. I love them, and I'm glad they are coaching this team.


    Whether they turn out to be good coaches with these players in this time and this place remains to be seen. But I'm going to enjoy the ride. And I wish them well in their lives, whatever happens with the team.


    Between the Ryans and Tyrod Taylor, I'm finding this a very easy team to root for right now, which has not always been the case (though I always root for the team anyway because I have the incurable Buffalo Bills sickness. Chronic.). this...exactly my thoughts too.. :thumbsup:

  5. With all of the garbage infomercial channels that DTV force feeds you, you would think that their service would cost next to nothing.

    Our DTV contract will be expiring soon. We won't be back.

    Yup...DTV and NFL has priced me out of watching the Bills. I can not justify the cost on my fixed income ( retiree in Fl )

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