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Everything posted by microscopes

  1. Tennessee is not losing because Chris Johnson is putting up close to 1,500 yards a season. They're losing because they don't have a QB and their defense has been suspect at times. Teams dont lose because star players get lots of yards. You have a serious Freddie obsession.
  2. I didn't bring up Chris Johnson. YOU did. I was just showing you your faulty comparison. Secondly, Tennessee is not losing because Chris Johnson is putting up close to 1,500 yards a season. They're losing because they don't have a QB and their defense has been suspect at times.
  3. I see running yards and receiving yards equally as important, but you're right I'll add a footnote.
  4. This. Although I don't mind him logging significant time if he is playing well.
  5. First, Spiller is not Chris Johnson. Second, Chris Johnson has never had a season under 1400 yards or 4 yards per carry so i'm not sure why youre using him as an example of what you don't want to do. Chris Johnson: 2012: 1,475 yards 2011: 1,465 yards 2010: 1,609 yards 2009: 2.509 yards 2008: 1,488 yards Sure looks like they're riding him into the sunset....
  6. Certainly. But you allege that he won't last the season. Not a career. But for the record, the top 5 RB's in the league last season all had 20+ carries a game.
  7. What? Is that not how a message board works. Someone says something, someone else responds and so forth? I disagree with his opinion. It's called discourse.
  8. Oh I see, so he will fall apart over an additional 8 games. And you have what evidence for this?
  9. Does last year not count for some reason?
  10. Spiller averaged 19 carries per game his last 6 starts last season and averaged 122 yards per game in those games. Sooo?
  11. This needs to STOP. Fred Jackson is not one of the top 10 RB's in the league. I love Fred as much as anyone. I love his sportsmanship, his dedication, his work ethic. I love that he loves Buffalo. I get that. Everyone loves him. And that sways our opinion of him. He is a GOOD RB. Spiller is a GREAT RB. Spiller last season averaged more per carry than Fred EVER did in his entire career. Spiller had more receiving yards than Fred EVER had in his entire career. Spiller had more TD's last season than Fred ever had in his career. I love Fred. We all do. But he is not top 10 and he is no where near as good as Spiller.
  12. Actually, I don't think GreenBay really gets a lot of big name free agents. They just draft well.
  13. My musical taste dictate my football acumen? Is that the argument you are trying to make?
  14. A troll is not defined as someone who has a different opinion than your own.
  15. This guy is gonna suck.
  16. This will be Rexies last year as Jets Head Coach.
  17. I like Sherman mainly because of how he antagonized Brady last season. Any enemy of Brady is a friend of mine.
  18. This is one the strangest writings I have ever read. Jim liked his blow, so it's OK. Stevie's shirt is worse than blow and not OK. Also it's not written in "ancient retard", it's written so at first glance it looks like an actual ships name. #1 - I was directly responding to your copy and paste of league policy. Those sections you copy and pasted had nothing to do with Stevie's situation. He broke none of those rules. Thats why I asked where you were going with it. #2 - Even the section you just posted above says "conduct yourself in a way that is responsible, promotes the values upon which the League is based, and is lawful." Stevie didn't act irresponsbile. He didn't purge the value upon which the league is based and he didn't break any laws. So i'm not sure what that has to do with Stevie either. #3 - That's ridiculous.
  19. If the NFL was worried about children, they wouldn't allow advertisements where the woman are half naked and fighting in mud and water. They wouldn't allow halftime acts where entertainers make very sexual gestures. They would ask that the cheerleaders wear more modest clothing. Kids are far more apt to notice THOSE things than "FUHKMORE" on a shirt. Secondly, the Bills allowed it to be taken and posted. So I doubt it embarrasses them. I further doubt it embarrasses the NFL. Sort of a silly thing to say considering that a large amount of HOFers were (are) drug addicts, wife beaters, murderers... To say you can't take him seriously as a man because of a shirt he wears says more about you than it does about him. It shows you can't look past appearances to judge a persons character and rely on only what you see. That's unfortunate.
  20. Ok lets go through what you copy and pasted. All persons associated with the NFL are required to avoid conduct detrimental to the integrity of and public confidence in the National Football League. - As far as I can tell, him wearing that shirt does not tarnish the public confidence of the NFL. Illegal or irresponsible conduct does more than simply tarnish the offender. It puts innocent people at risk, sullies the reputation of others involved in the game, and undermines public respect and support for the NFL. - I don't believe even haters of Stevie Johnson would argue that him wearing that shirt is 'illegal' or 'irresponsible'. It certainly doesn't put any innocent person at risk or sully the reputation of others. Lack of respect or other unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated during games or at other times, including postgame intervie - Wearing that shirt did not display any unsportsmanlike conduct or lack of respect. This includes abusive, threatening, insulting, or profane language or gestures, and physical acts by coaches, players, and other club personnel directed at opponents, officials, game personnel - Wearing that shirt is neither threatening or insulting or using profane language or gestures. To behonest, i'm not sure where you were going with that snippit of the League's Policy. It doesn't apply to this situation. You do realize it was the Employer that posted the picture ... right? And THAT is the real issue. For whatever reason, you see football players as role models or leaders. They're not. They never were. Jim Kelly was snorting lines on bar room tables.
  21. Why should public figures have to be more self aware? What about him being in the public eye determines that he has to wear clothing that is not "inappropriate, ironic"? He is a human being just as you and I. Why does a star football player have to be mature? He is paid to study the playbook, run routes, and catch footballs. While there are "moral clauses" in many contracts, meaning crimes can lead to the severing of a contract, there are no "maturity clauses". THAT is the true faulty assumption. That a player who is a paid a large amount of money to do a job on a football field is therefore subject to some imaginary set of rules that is not bound to anyone else.
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